So I did it. I went and got my hair cut. I wasn't sure what I wanted but the lady was very nice and together we picked out a hairstyle that I really like. She measured my locks after she cut them and she had cut off 16 inches of my hair! It is short but still at my shoulders. I love it! It feels great.
I have plans this weekend. I am headed to the beach. I have been invited to go and stay for a few days at a really nice resort at Myrtle Beach, SC. I couldn't say no! I leave Friday and come back on Sunday. I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend and having alot of fun.
I have been playing some on the game, and have made a couple twinks. My hunter, you have met already. A mage, and a paladin. I plan to twink them out and run some battlegrounds. I have not leveled my main Cabriella at all. I seem to not want to play her much anymore. I think a name change for her is in order. That might make me like her again at least I hope so. She was named for my ex-hubby and I don't need to remember that stuff anymore. She needs to go out in the new content and explore and get herself to level 80. My guild thinks I have deserted them and I can only hope they understand that I am avoiding playing Cabriella for some reason and I need to work through it on my own. Like I said, I think a name change might help. So that is my next move. Now, what to call her. :) and what will I do about this blog? I do have a few readers who visit here daily and I guess I could make a new one and post a link here... will you follow me to a new home? I guess we will find out soon enough.