Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The hustle and bustle is over. Time now to relax and get ready to get back to my studies next week. Christmas was great. It is always fun to spend time with the family.

I got a new desk for my desktop computer. I love it. It has shelves and a drawer and my computer fits on it perfectly. I have not been on the game much at all. I have been enjoying the holidays.

I have been rearranging my furniture and doing some heavy cleaning. I finally got it all done and am ready for the winter. I will do it again come spring. I found some vanilla scented plug ins and now my house smells like vanilla.

All the Christmas decorations have been tucked away until next year. All in all it was a great holiday.

I hope to find some time, before school starts back, to play my game. I want to finish leveling some of my alts to level 80. Well, here's hoping.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Christmas break is finally here. I have two whole weeks of no school to rest my weary brain. I won't do it though. I have two projects due the week I go back; although I have started on them, I will finish them over the holidays.

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May all your wishes come true. I am thankful for my friends and family. I apologize to any I have wronged in the past, regardless of my reasons at the time. If you feel I have wronged you, then I am sorry.

I plan to play the game while on vacation. I am excited to get some playtime in. I will be leveling on Vek'nilash. I have a new hunter named Ariandri and a priest named Januarie. I am multiboxing these two young ladies for the triple xp from the refer a friend. I get triple xp for kills, quests and reputation. It is different. Lol.

Christmas at my house on Christmas day. Chicken pastry, honey baked ham, collards, yams, and more(yum). I didn't want turkey again. So something different is on tap with the pastry. Maybe I won't have days of leftovers! Kelly and I can only eat so much!

Well, I am off to play a bit. Here's to getting all you want for Christmas. Sometimes a phone call or email will suffice to make someone's holiday special. Call or write someone you love today. If you don't tell them they may never know. They can't read your mind!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, thank you for reading.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mr. and Mrs. Claus

The Tree

Not Enough Time To Play The Game

School is taking up most of my time now. I have a lot of work to do and I want to keep my good grades so no play time for me :( Even though it is taking a lot of hard work, I still love it. I want to keep my A's and am working hard to that effect. It is still awesome and I don't mind the hard work. However, assignments that cause my head to hurt really suck! LOL

Game time... yeh I have played some. I am leveling a hunter on Vek'nilash. She is level 28 and doing well. When the expansion comes out, I plan to level a Worgen Hunter. Shapeshifting might not be all that, but I like the fact that before shapeshifting the worgen look like humans. I wanted a human hunter when my hubby first gave me the game. (Yeh, I know, he isn't my hubby anymore, but I guess he always will be to me)

Christmas is coming fast. I have been cooking and freezing collards for the winter. (Yum) All the decorating is done, the family is coming for Chicken Pastry on Christmas day and all is well in the land of me! I don't think I can stand another week of left over turkey, ham and such so, chicken pastry is on the menu for Christmas.

I headed over to Meadow to see the lights ( As always, it was beautiful. I stopped at the little candy store and bought some candy. Santa was there. Kelly had fun looking at the lights and she liked the train. She doesn't care too much for Santa. haha

Looks like I have some time for gaming this morning so I guess I am off to the land of WOW for some relaxing fun!