It has been a while since I last posted. College is keeping me busy and so is the game. It has been a while since I did the battlegrounds and I have been doing those again lately. I do not know what it is about them that I love but I really do love going into the random ones. It beats dungeon running for me. Of course, we all know I hate dungeons!
I did get my death knight to level 80. Then they went and changed her spec to tanking. I don't like dungeons and I certainly do not want to tank! She is still horde and on the Zangarmarsh server. My daughter loves her priest but wanted to get back to the ally side of things. We have come back to Kirin'Tor and I am playing my hunter again. She managed to pick up the Headless Horseman's Reins... yay!
I am also leveling some alts in the battlegrounds. I still have my twink there but the queues never pop. Twinking I guess is dead for now. I hear it may be making a comeback in Cataclysm. Here's hoping on that one.
I have many alts and have been leveling different ones through the battleground. I plan to do some research on Arena teams. That may be a little more than I want to get into in the game though.
All in all, its been fun to start back where we left off on the ally side of things. There are many classes overpowered in the battlgrounds right now. The patch made a big mess of things. I was doing well until then. All of a sudden, rogues one shot you no matter how much life you have. I just go in to die now! LOL I figure Blizzard will get around to fixing everything and the game will be fun in the bg's again. I still have fun, I just die more often than before!