Saturday, January 15, 2011

Life is Funny

It takes all kinds to make the world go around. I meet new people in my classes. Some of them are in college and do not know how to write, speak, or spell correctly. Work gets turned in late. What is the point in going if you are not going to give it your all? You are spending a lot of cash for that degree.

I still have my 4.0 gpa. I hope to keep it. I am taking Algebra right now. I hate math and it doesn't like me very much either! LOL It is going fairly well for now. I have a quiz tomorrow. I hope that goes ok.

What can I do with my Associate of Arts in Psychology degree? I have applied at a mental health group home as manager. I haven't heard back from them yet. Will I be upset if I do not get the job? No, not really. I like being able to focus on my school work.

Speaking of meeting new people...I have been talking to someone from my past. We had a great friendship that never led to anything much. Just wondering if calling him would be a good idea? He gave me his number and asked that I call. Another friend took my number with intentions of calling but never did. Does that change how I feel about him? No, he will always be my friend. :)

Life is funny ... ain't it! hahahahahaha