Cabriella the Panda
I have fallen in love with the panda race. They are just too cute.
After finding myself loathing the cross realm zones, I saw a post on the WoW forums about a few realms being cross realm free... hey, I thought, that sounds wonderful! Of course, as always, with the good comes the bad. The catch? It is a PVP realm. However, it is a RP-PVP realm so it hasn't really been so bad.
I have managed to get Cabby to level 27 and she is questing in Arathi Highlands. Of course, you know I rolled Alliance. Horde areas are just too bleak to level in. It is almost like leveling in (Old) Desolace. It simply wasn't my favorite area.
Being on the CRZ-free realm is relaxing. That may change when I get into areas of more PVP. I plan to keep an open mind and try to enjoy the PVP aspect. Ganking is another thing all together. I hope there isn't that much of that here. I will see.
Are you looking for a CRZ-free server? I know Venture Company is one but I chose Ravenholdt.
So far, so good...
Cabby :)