I took an idea from Two and a Half Orcs and molded it to fit our guild. The idea (you can read their's here) was to have a group of players get together on a new realm and all start from scratch and play as a group once a week. I tailored it to fit our guild and then pitched the idea. I got a great response. Our guild has a few level 70's a few mid 60's and lots of lowbies. Out of our guild members of 60 something we managed to make a 5 man team. Not too bad for a small guild I guess.
I asked for ideas from the members about faction, class, etc. This is what we came up with.
-We made alts on the server Zangarmarsh.
(So no one has help from higher levels or friends there)
-We rolled Horde.
(Being as we all have alliance characters and horde is unfamiliar it's like starting the game all over!)
-We ended up with a group of 5.
(and a greater bunch of people there isn't)
Hunter-Blood Elf
Paladin-Blood Elf
Mage-? (boss and close friend of our rogue, haven't met them yet!)
Mage-Troll ( quit, didn't like anything about the horde)
Blood Elf-Priest? (haven't seen them at all so not sure if they are participating)
-We agreed to level to level 10 and meet in Ogrimmar.
-We run our little group on Friday's at 8 EST.
-We all agree to start with gathering professions at first.
-We hope to get enough with us to make a guild eventually but that isn't our main goal.
-We will take half of our gathered mats to sell for cash and half to keep for later professions.
-We will not level beyond each other more than one-half to one level.
-We will always share as a whole (kinda like you share all your things with your own alts)
-We are a group- not a single individual.
-We will start out in Ogrimmar and quest from there. (at level 10)
-Working on professions can be done away from the group night, as long as you do not gain xp and level.
-Fishing, Cooking and First Aid is recommended for all the characters.
I will be posting more as this rolls along and hopefully we will get some excitement going on in the rest of the guild and can maybe catch up any later stragglers before we all get too far in levels. (otherwise it will be no different than the guild we have now on the alliance side!)
We are going into this knowing most of it isn't set in stone and may have to be adapted. We will just see how it goes. As it is, everyone is really psyched up and has already been hard at work trying to get to level 10 before tonight. We will see how that goes. It seems like it is going to be loads of fun!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Saturday Night Invasions
Some of the guildies were in Wetlands questing. We get a call out that there are horde invading. We ride over and take a looksie. Not much happening. When the higher levels show up they all tend to leave. No Fun. So we head over to Auberdine. There are always horde in Auberdine. It's a daily thing. Sure enough. But for the first time that I have ever seen, the alliance have a raid group started and are killing them as fast as they respawn in the town. I wasn't going to join and even declined the first invite to the raid group. But some horde hunter thought it would be funny to snake trap my pet thus flagging me. Bad idea! I ask for that invite to the raid group from the same person that invited me the first time. I explained why the change of heart and set out to personally whip some horde patootie. Especially a hunter with his freakin snake trap.
During this adventure. I saw a weird glitch in the game. One of the Auberdine Sentinels was stuck in the ground with only her head showing. You could click her and she would speak to you. Needless to say it was quite an amusing sight.

After a while though the horde beat a hasty retreat. Except for one. He just wouldn't leave. He kept rezzing in the middle of town and dying over and over. I guess he finally left when his equipment was busted.
Pretty soon, some more horde came but they are trying to make it to the boat to Darnassus. Well, we follow them over there and pretty much watch them die trying to get through the city. Only a couple were level 70, a priest and a warrior. The rest are lower levels only two above level 10 the rest below. We watch as they die and rez nearer and nearer to the starting area for the Night Elves. Finally, they make it Dolanaar. But this is about the end. The priest dies and never comes back leaving the warrior alone with his lower level buddies. These lower levels just danced around the graveyard for a while then they left. The orc warrior decided to make a run for the starting area. I followed. He had a fast mount, but mine was just as fast. Not being familiar with the area, he ran around and around with me following. I wondered if he was going to do that all night. It was just him and me. Why not dismount and fight? No, he just ran. Ok, well we will see where you go. He took a wrong turn and ended up out on a limb, literally. I whispered my friend and he came to see the sight. It was too funny. Finally, I guess he figured he had had enough and he dismounted on the limb and hearthed. All that trouble getting there and having to hearth out. Not a good night for one orc warrior. But, I have to give him props for tenacity!

During this adventure. I saw a weird glitch in the game. One of the Auberdine Sentinels was stuck in the ground with only her head showing. You could click her and she would speak to you. Needless to say it was quite an amusing sight.
After a while though the horde beat a hasty retreat. Except for one. He just wouldn't leave. He kept rezzing in the middle of town and dying over and over. I guess he finally left when his equipment was busted.
Pretty soon, some more horde came but they are trying to make it to the boat to Darnassus. Well, we follow them over there and pretty much watch them die trying to get through the city. Only a couple were level 70, a priest and a warrior. The rest are lower levels only two above level 10 the rest below. We watch as they die and rez nearer and nearer to the starting area for the Night Elves. Finally, they make it Dolanaar. But this is about the end. The priest dies and never comes back leaving the warrior alone with his lower level buddies. These lower levels just danced around the graveyard for a while then they left. The orc warrior decided to make a run for the starting area. I followed. He had a fast mount, but mine was just as fast. Not being familiar with the area, he ran around and around with me following. I wondered if he was going to do that all night. It was just him and me. Why not dismount and fight? No, he just ran. Ok, well we will see where you go. He took a wrong turn and ended up out on a limb, literally. I whispered my friend and he came to see the sight. It was too funny. Finally, I guess he figured he had had enough and he dismounted on the limb and hearthed. All that trouble getting there and having to hearth out. Not a good night for one orc warrior. But, I have to give him props for tenacity!
Friday, February 22, 2008
My New Friends- Eggman & Gengeoff
We managed to find two new guildies of most awesomeness. Eggman is a spriest and Gengeoff is a warrior. They are of the same age and when on vent they both keep us laughing. It is truly a fun time to hear these two tease each other and anyone else that happens to voice an opinion on whatever the topic of the day is with these two. I love it! They are both really good players and very valuable assets to our guild. I am thankful that we have them and appreciate all that they do for our guild. They are swiftly moving up through the levels while at the same time managing to have fun with the game. They are smart and attentive players and will answer any questions for our lowbies that they can. They are always willing to help with actions or advice. Thank you guys for being so great!
Black Rock Depths
We have been running some guildies through this instance for a few weeks now. It is a huge place. Not so bad for us at level 70, but for the guildies, it has to be a pain when if they get too close to them, all the mobs run past us at level 70 just to attack them. But, we manage ok. So we go into the instance, make it all the way to the tavern or whatever its called in there. The bar patrons are all yellow to us. Well, the guy we are running in here is supposed to talk to someone to get a door to open. Never having been in here before, I have no idea who is who and what is what. Somehow the guy ends up talking to the wrong person, or attacks someone and oh dip, it's on then. The whole tavern starts attacking us, both the top and bottom level. With two level 70's and his level 54 we still don't stand a chance. Too late, you done pissed someone off and he and all his buddies have politely kicked our butts! My two guildies die, somehow I manage to stay alive by being out of aggro range of them all even though I am standing right in the middle of it. The only way out is to hearth out. We decide the only way to finish this is to come back another time maybe they will forget who we are and we can be friends with them again!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Frostsaber Mount
So I have been working on this rep grind since July. It has been a long journey to say the least. I love this mount as it matches my cat Adara. I have not been in any hurry to get this grind done. I wanted to take it slow so I wouldn't get burned out on it and quit. Now that I have it, I totally love it. Each day of grinding, thinking that I would never make it, now seems not so bad. The last bit actually wasn't so bad since Blizz upped the reputation gained for each quest turn in. If not for that I would still be out there grinding away!
It is a beautiful mount.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Dungeons- Oh Why Do I Hate Them
I have never liked dungeons. Since the first dungeon I ever did was Blackfathom Deeps (the scariest place I had ever seen) I have hated dungeons. I feel all closed in and feel like I am going to get lost (mostly I do) or make a stupid mistake and someone call me a noob or worse. Is there worse? LOL. Well, I like the lower level dungeons now, at 70 I can run those babies all alone and it works for me. But the one's you have to have a group for... those I hate. How do you get over this and learn to enjoy the endgame stuff? Is it the rush of a group that I can't deal with or just the fact that other people make me nervous? Hmm I don't rightly know.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
That Danged 'Ol Fel Reaver
I have helped to kill him three times now and I still don't feel I have gotten my revenge. Anyway, about Outlands... Hellfire Peninsula - I do not like. Zangarmarsh- I like somewhat. Blades Edge - nope don't like it. Nagrand- I haven't quested there yet. Yeh I know, I'm level 70, I should be done with all that but, no I am not. Nethestorm- no I don't like that place either but have quested some there. But I do like the Eye of the Storm battleground. If I would do all the quests that are left for me to do in Outlands I would be a rich little night elf!
Daily Quests? Nope haven't done them. Any of them. I don't know where to start and with my aversion to Outlands I don't know if I will.
So what do I do with all my time?
1- I am doing the Winterspring Frostsaber Reputation Grind- for the frostsaber mount and boy is it ever a grind. Update: This grind is done. I am the proud owner of a new Frostsaber Mount! Pictures coming soon.
2- I help lower level guildies every chance I get.
3- Jay didn't have the expansion and couldn't get past level 60. Now he has it and I help him and Sinn with outlands (and they know it's not my favorite place) but I still help 'cause I like helping my friends.
4- I run lower level dungeons and bring along folks I find hanging outside the entrances looking for groups. Then I run them again on my own. And no I don't take money for this. If I don't want to do it out of the kindness of my heart then I just don't do it. I do not use it as a money maker!
5- I have done some battlegrounds. They are hectic places and not so good for my blood pressure. Not a good thing to do right before heading off to bed!
6- I am reading and practicing some of the skills recommended by "the" Mr. Big Red Kitty. 'Cause he knows how to be a hunter! "I will not melee, I will not melee, I will not oh heck.... whackup .... sorry BRK. But I only hit it once :P I promise I am working on it, I really am!
7- Making alts- I have altitus. So many I can't play them all. And I love them all.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
My Fourth New Friend- Sinn
Sinn is one of the ones who left the "other" guild when I did. He isn't to level 70 yet and I enjoy helping him with his quests to get there. He is in Outlands and will give me a shout when he needs help. I introduced Sinn to Jay and they get to quest together some and that works good since they are both the same level. Or I just help them both :) Poor Sinn, that Fel Reaver loooves him too. I know the feeling and I hate it for him. I guess some people are Fel Reaver magnets? He is a wonderful player with a good heart.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Guild Drama
I had heard of it but never experienced it... til now :(
Everything is going well in the guild one day and then the next its like a bomb goes off. What the freak just happened??? One of the guild leaders from the past returns and all is well for a while. He is actually a very good player of his class. But, after some time I noticed that the guild chat channel was getting to be a not so good place for neither children (our guild had some of those) nor ladies (and I consider myself one of those :P). The more I read in the chat channel the more disturbed I became. It was quickly getting to the point that I wanted to know how to block guild chat. I was told you can't. Oh well.
Well now, Lethalor had become the Assistant Guild Manager and he spoke up in officer chat about the children being able to read the chat and one thing led to another and then it really got ugly. Over the next few days some of the members (the ones doing the ugly chat) in retaliation, started making new alts with X-rated names etc. and joining the guild and chatting about things even more. I finally broke my silence and said something about it not being suitable for kids or ladies in the guild anymore and was attacked by the (guild leader from the past). He said that there used to not be any rules in the guild and that it is going back to that way to just deal with it. I said well that works for you but not for me and quit the guild right then. It had gone downhill as far as I was willing to go with it and I would just go back to solo.
Well, poor Lethalor was in the battleground when it all happened and soon he was out of bg and jumped in it and to this day I am not sure what he said but I do know he ended up telling the guy he was an arrogant @$$ and he left as well. I got a whisper from another couple of people who left when I did and they said if we found and joined another guild to let them know and they would gladly join. So we recreated Spirits of Retribution and now have over 60 members. Yahh!!! us. Guild drama.... who freaking needs it? On a side note...Jay even returned to the guild so it seems I am right back where I started only better!
Everything is going well in the guild one day and then the next its like a bomb goes off. What the freak just happened??? One of the guild leaders from the past returns and all is well for a while. He is actually a very good player of his class. But, after some time I noticed that the guild chat channel was getting to be a not so good place for neither children (our guild had some of those) nor ladies (and I consider myself one of those :P). The more I read in the chat channel the more disturbed I became. It was quickly getting to the point that I wanted to know how to block guild chat. I was told you can't. Oh well.
Well now, Lethalor had become the Assistant Guild Manager and he spoke up in officer chat about the children being able to read the chat and one thing led to another and then it really got ugly. Over the next few days some of the members (the ones doing the ugly chat) in retaliation, started making new alts with X-rated names etc. and joining the guild and chatting about things even more. I finally broke my silence and said something about it not being suitable for kids or ladies in the guild anymore and was attacked by the (guild leader from the past). He said that there used to not be any rules in the guild and that it is going back to that way to just deal with it. I said well that works for you but not for me and quit the guild right then. It had gone downhill as far as I was willing to go with it and I would just go back to solo.
Well, poor Lethalor was in the battleground when it all happened and soon he was out of bg and jumped in it and to this day I am not sure what he said but I do know he ended up telling the guy he was an arrogant @$$ and he left as well. I got a whisper from another couple of people who left when I did and they said if we found and joined another guild to let them know and they would gladly join. So we recreated Spirits of Retribution and now have over 60 members. Yahh!!! us. Guild drama.... who freaking needs it? On a side note...Jay even returned to the guild so it seems I am right back where I started only better!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Cabriella Hits 70!
Leth hit 70 before I did.
I had a whole level to go to get there. So I did it in one day. How? I will tell you how. In Shadowmoon Valley, at the Wildhammer Stronghold, there is a quest to kill ghosties. You can't see them until the quest giver gives you some Spectrecles. Then you see them. They are yellow to you. No aggro! Wow... I can kill all of these I want with no outside interference. And I can hit 70 right here in this little town of sorts. You got a plan girlie!! So I start killing and killing and killing.. well you get the idea. I ran around that town, up and down the stairs in that stronghold killing ghosties in every nook and cranny I could find. And then... I did it! Yah Level 70 for me.
Flying Mount? What do you mean flying mount?
Lethalor- "I am going to buy my flying mount."
Me- Your what?
Leth- Flying mount.
Me- Oh just great, how much?
Leth- Alot
Me- Oh well, it will just have to wait. Enchanting has eaten all my money and I am one poor little night elf. But go I want to see yours!
Few Days Later...
Leth- You really should get that mount. Then we can fly everywhere.
Me- It don't look like too much fun. What's wrong with the ground? (this chicky is afraid of heights)
Leth- Oh but it is fun and fast!
With much prodding....
Me- Oh ok, ok.
Snowy White Gryphon
(Thank You Leth for being an awesome friend!)
Leth- Ok Follow me
Me- Ok
Up to the tops of the mountains outside Wildhammer
Leth- oh, by the way
Me- yeh?
Leth- you can just walk off and you will fly
Me- ok
Leth- lol
Me- I don't really like this much
Leth- why?
Me- I can't see where I am going!
after much explaining of that statement....
Leth- go into your settings and set the camera angle out farther
Me- ok
Sure enough, after a few days. I am flying pretty well.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Outlands- I Care Not For You
My first impression of Outlands was - oh, wow, yuk. This is the ugliest place I have ever... wait what the freak just stomped me?? Something really big and ugly and mechanical. Making a god awful noise that only a mother could love and that's a maybe. Fel Reaver... what the freak is that? Oh, well he looooves me. He thinks I feel good under his foot!! Ok, so my first impression of Outlands was not a good one. Looking at the underside of a foot is in no way at all a pleasant experience! Maybe having to look over my shoulder all the time was what made me hate the area right at the onset. It kinda felt like a pvp server if I understand how a pvp server works. That big, overgrown freak jumped me daily, sometimes more than once a day! And thats with me watching for him. Imagine if I hadn't been watching at all! LOL
It's Just a Regular Routine
Each night questing and helping my friends made the levels go by pretty fast. I was leveling at least one level per day. When Leth totally caught up with me quest wise at some point I stopped questing ahead and just focused on helping Jay stay with us. When Jay stopped playing, around the time I hit Stranglethorn Vale, I would then find spots to grind. I would level but without completing quests. I read alot and found that I needed to take first aid, cooking, and fishing to go with my professions. I had taken skinning and enchanting. Skinning is great. Never do I leave anything after a kill if I can help it and enchanting just ate up all my money. Man, what a tough profession to level up. I know tailoring goes with it but hunters can't use most of the tailored items and I saw no point in pairing the two. I found out that I would get mail armor at level 40 so leatherworking was out as a companion to my skinning. So I just stayed with enchanting. I had read somewhere you could do well disenchanting and selling the materials on the auction house, but I found out the hard way that you had to level enchanting to disenchant higher level stuffs. By then it was too late, I didn't want to waste what I had already done so I stuck it out. I was heartbroken to find out the master enchanter was in Uldaman. Hurray for the Burning Crusade. The first guy I went to see was my enchanter trainer in honor hold when I got there! Now, I only do enchants for people who provide their own materials as I neither carry any of those around with me nor keep any in my bank. It is so costly and I am not standing on some steps somewhere yelling that I will enchant for someone. I have other things I can do for money. I only keep my skill because it took so long to get it where it is and I don't want the money I spent to get there to be considered a waste. Plus guildies all know that I enchant if they provide the mats and so it isn't a total waste. Then, there are also my alts I can enchant for!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Compaq & Car Incident
When I first started this blog I mentioned that I had a Compaq laptop. I also said it got ran over by the car. Well here's that story:
My oldest girl was expecting her first child. She had been back and forth to the emergency room only to be sent home on several occasions. Her husband borrowed my laptop to play my deerhunting game (Yah Cabela's) while he waited in the emergency room for hours each trip. Well, on the night that she actually went into labor, he, the calm guy that he is, grabbed the suitcase, and laptop and headed to the car. He placed the laptop by the tire and put the suitcase in the trunk. He got my daughter in the car and made the loop around the circle drive and ran over the laptop on the way out of the drive. As soon as he did it he knew what had happened. He stopped, got the laptop and proceeded to the hospital. When he finally got around to opening it to see what damage had been done, he saw the screen had cracked a bit at the top but it still booted and ran and that was in May of 2000. I had already had it over 2 years and it went strong right on up until my hubby replaced it with my new one in 2006. Now my baby girl uses the laptop and as far as I know it's still going strong. Do I recommend you buy a compaq? If it hadn't been taken over by that "other" company I would say yes. But ....NO.
My oldest girl was expecting her first child. She had been back and forth to the emergency room only to be sent home on several occasions. Her husband borrowed my laptop to play my deerhunting game (Yah Cabela's) while he waited in the emergency room for hours each trip. Well, on the night that she actually went into labor, he, the calm guy that he is, grabbed the suitcase, and laptop and headed to the car. He placed the laptop by the tire and put the suitcase in the trunk. He got my daughter in the car and made the loop around the circle drive and ran over the laptop on the way out of the drive. As soon as he did it he knew what had happened. He stopped, got the laptop and proceeded to the hospital. When he finally got around to opening it to see what damage had been done, he saw the screen had cracked a bit at the top but it still booted and ran and that was in May of 2000. I had already had it over 2 years and it went strong right on up until my hubby replaced it with my new one in 2006. Now my baby girl uses the laptop and as far as I know it's still going strong. Do I recommend you buy a compaq? If it hadn't been taken over by that "other" company I would say yes. But ....NO.
My Third New Friend- Shaggy
I met Shaggy on a ship in Stranglethorn Vale. One of the ships where you have to kill the captains. Shaggy is a warlock. A really good warlock. He, like me, preferred to solo and he had made it to Stranglethorn Vale mostly solo. We grouped and got the quest done and talked a bit and since he was on during the day when I am on we just kinda started hanging out and questing, not as much as Leth and I but some. He was very good to group with and I loved his guild name. When later on I introduced Leth to Shaggy in Felwood they hit it off real fast. Pretty soon we merged our guilds and and became good friends. Our guild was more a casual guild and so was Shaggy's. But Shaggy wasn't the guild leader in his guild. The guild leader of his guild was never on and I believe he started playing horde and eventually gave the guild to Shaggy. Therefore Shaggy and Leth decided to merge the two guilds. Jay didn't come with us. He went off on his own. It worked well for a while. They set up minor rules, got lots of new members, helped the lower levels and just started making the guild a good guild.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Gnaked Gnome Race-Thanks BRK!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
A Guy On The Dock Waiting For The Boat
So here I am on the dock in Darkshore waiting for the boat to Menethil Harbor. A nice young man (hunter) with a really high level tells me I should be using Mercenary Blades instead of the staff I am using. I ask why and he explains to me about stats.
Wow, this is all new to me. He is really helpful with his advice and I listen as he patiently tells me I need to focus on agility on my gear pieces. Well, ok. I tell him I really appreciate the help. Then he kindly asks me to join his guild. I told him no thank you but thanks again for all the advice. I added him to my friends and was told if I ever needed help or more information to just ask. Needless to say I had some new research to do on my gear and the stats needed for hunters.
I watched as he managed to level on up congratulating each level as he went. We talked alot and he would tease me by asking me if I was ready to join his guild yet every time we talked. I was level 70 before I ever saw him face to face again but we spoke often in chat. He was standing in Nagrand and I ran past him and hit the brakes... wait, was that? Yep, it is /poke lol /wave and we chatted away. I really love my friends!
Wow, this is all new to me. He is really helpful with his advice and I listen as he patiently tells me I need to focus on agility on my gear pieces. Well, ok. I tell him I really appreciate the help. Then he kindly asks me to join his guild. I told him no thank you but thanks again for all the advice. I added him to my friends and was told if I ever needed help or more information to just ask. Needless to say I had some new research to do on my gear and the stats needed for hunters.
I watched as he managed to level on up congratulating each level as he went. We talked alot and he would tease me by asking me if I was ready to join his guild yet every time we talked. I was level 70 before I ever saw him face to face again but we spoke often in chat. He was standing in Nagrand and I ran past him and hit the brakes... wait, was that? Yep, it is /poke lol /wave and we chatted away. I really love my friends!
My Second New Friend- Thanks Jay
Well I was in Wetlands and doing those croc quests there and came upon this warrior. Oh I admire those guys! I remember trying to level mine. So here is Jay in wetlands and I figure I will help him out. So we manage to work together pretty well and he invites me to group and off we go. When Leth and I weren't questing together then I was questing with Jay. We played well together too and since he wasn't online as often as we were, I mostly just helped him catch up to us. He even helped me catch up those old quests in Darkshore. He isn't much of a talker by my and Leth's standards but we got along well enough. Leth and I created a guild called the "Spirits of Retribution" and we three were the only members for a while. But pretty soon it started to grow a little bit.
Friday, February 8, 2008
My First New Friend-Thanks Lethalor
I have to get a quest done for the guy at Maestra's Post. So, I run back down there from Ashenvale and he says he needs some hair. (I don't remember what he looked like, whether he "really" needed hair or not I can't tell ya, but I do remember he wanted some). This quest is hard, there are alot of ugly dead like creatures strolling around and as soon as I try to get the quest item I die. Finally I manage to get one, only to find out I need more than one. Dagnabbit, this bald guy sure asks alot of a one little woman.
Oh no, here come a couple other players, One is a hunter and the other is a priest. Well maybe I will watch and see how they do it. The hunter comes up to me and speaks. If I hadn't been so flustered by not knowing how to talk back to him I would have noticed "he" had a pet cat.
HONEY, HELP!! Someone is talking to me and I don't know how to talk back. I don't want to be rude. Honey's reason for getting the laptop with wireless is clear at this point- I am sitting beside him on the couch and he just leans over to help. Not having to get up and go into the computer room to help (and I need alot of it) is nice for him I am sure. And here I was thinking he just wanted me to be next to him:). Anyway we figure it out and this nice person is about my level (21 or so) finds out I don't know much about the game, tells me a few things, finds out I am trying to do this same quest and asks if I want to group with him and his son. I say ok and he invites me to group.
Wow, I am totally lost at this point but they seem so helpful and chatty that I immediately like him and his son so off we go. He asks me what kind of pet do I have. Umm, I don't have one. WHAT!, no pet. Oh you need a pet. Well so much for not looking like an idiot....After much of me explaining of what happened to my owl and him explaining what I need to do to get another, I go back to Auberdine and get a cat (name it Peanut after my cat) and from then on I was learning with my new friend all that I didn't know. He was very patient with me and explained all in detail for me to understand.
After I caught up with him in the basic knowledge of the mechanics of the game, we started helping each other out by researching things and hubby buying me books to help. He bought me the Master Guide Second Edition Strategy Guide and The Burning Crusade Strategy Guide. Also The Dungeon Companion I & II. Hubby even brought me home the The Burning Crusade expansion pack. I said I am not ready for that yet. But he assures me that his friend says that I will be ready for it soon.
Speaking of friends....My new friend sure did know alot. He asked if I had been to Stormwind yet. I said no, where is that. He promised to take me there soon. Imagine my shock when we finally get there and its the city of my first warrior girl. I told him to watch out for the canals if you fall in you swim forever trying to get out. I told him about my first try at a character and what happened to her. He laughed at me and said you can get out of the canals, but never showed me how and I just always stayed away from the edges anyway!
Well, Lethalor seemed to be online every night at the same time as me so we grouped up and played together. It became the norm if one of us was on when the other signed online to just invite, make a plan and go do it. We leveled together to 70 that way and still play the game as such to this day! He was the explorer and I was the quester. He would find new areas and flight paths when I wasn't on and I would quest there and then help him at night with his quests to catch up. Then he would find more new places and it was just a pattern we had that seemed to work. Leth was also kind enough to teach me how to use the auctioneer addon. He is always trying new things, pets etc. and then I just follow along if I like how it works for him. He actually made it to level 70 a day or so before I did. I guess I spend too much time helping others and dawdling, I guess you could say, around in the game. At any rate, he is ahead of me in the questing, new area finding and stuff at this point in the game. He urges me on to try new things like the battlegrounds and stuff in the game. He doesn't complain and never gives me a hard time about my altitus. I have even convinced him to make a few alts.
Oh no, here come a couple other players, One is a hunter and the other is a priest. Well maybe I will watch and see how they do it. The hunter comes up to me and speaks. If I hadn't been so flustered by not knowing how to talk back to him I would have noticed "he" had a pet cat.
HONEY, HELP!! Someone is talking to me and I don't know how to talk back. I don't want to be rude. Honey's reason for getting the laptop with wireless is clear at this point- I am sitting beside him on the couch and he just leans over to help. Not having to get up and go into the computer room to help (and I need alot of it) is nice for him I am sure. And here I was thinking he just wanted me to be next to him:). Anyway we figure it out and this nice person is about my level (21 or so) finds out I don't know much about the game, tells me a few things, finds out I am trying to do this same quest and asks if I want to group with him and his son. I say ok and he invites me to group.
Wow, I am totally lost at this point but they seem so helpful and chatty that I immediately like him and his son so off we go. He asks me what kind of pet do I have. Umm, I don't have one. WHAT!, no pet. Oh you need a pet. Well so much for not looking like an idiot....After much of me explaining of what happened to my owl and him explaining what I need to do to get another, I go back to Auberdine and get a cat (name it Peanut after my cat) and from then on I was learning with my new friend all that I didn't know. He was very patient with me and explained all in detail for me to understand.
After I caught up with him in the basic knowledge of the mechanics of the game, we started helping each other out by researching things and hubby buying me books to help. He bought me the Master Guide Second Edition Strategy Guide and The Burning Crusade Strategy Guide. Also The Dungeon Companion I & II. Hubby even brought me home the The Burning Crusade expansion pack. I said I am not ready for that yet. But he assures me that his friend says that I will be ready for it soon.
Speaking of friends....My new friend sure did know alot. He asked if I had been to Stormwind yet. I said no, where is that. He promised to take me there soon. Imagine my shock when we finally get there and its the city of my first warrior girl. I told him to watch out for the canals if you fall in you swim forever trying to get out. I told him about my first try at a character and what happened to her. He laughed at me and said you can get out of the canals, but never showed me how and I just always stayed away from the edges anyway!
Well, Lethalor seemed to be online every night at the same time as me so we grouped up and played together. It became the norm if one of us was on when the other signed online to just invite, make a plan and go do it. We leveled together to 70 that way and still play the game as such to this day! He was the explorer and I was the quester. He would find new areas and flight paths when I wasn't on and I would quest there and then help him at night with his quests to catch up. Then he would find more new places and it was just a pattern we had that seemed to work. Leth was also kind enough to teach me how to use the auctioneer addon. He is always trying new things, pets etc. and then I just follow along if I like how it works for him. He actually made it to level 70 a day or so before I did. I guess I spend too much time helping others and dawdling, I guess you could say, around in the game. At any rate, he is ahead of me in the questing, new area finding and stuff at this point in the game. He urges me on to try new things like the battlegrounds and stuff in the game. He doesn't complain and never gives me a hard time about my altitus. I have even convinced him to make a few alts.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Where Did My Pet Go?
So Cabriella is leveling pretty well, with the help of some books (that I totally haven't read yet) that hubby picked up for me. At level 10 there is a quest for a pet. But after a while the pet runs away or something, he just disappeared. Had I not done the quest in such a hurry and kept the others until they disappeared I would have known it was coming. But, I hurried through them and the last pet I got was the one I thought I was supposed to keep. I remember thinking it would be nice to have something other than an owl. Oh well, then it ran away or left. Well, it was gone! Ok, I give up on the pet deal. Maybe more research is needed.
I finish questing, found the major city of Darnassus. Quest more and make it to Auberdine (Darkshore). I struggle through those quests and the ones that were too hard I just passed up. I couldn't do them alone and didn't know anything about how to go about asking someone and really was petrified to do so. They will think I am crazy and should know how to play the game. I saw alot of name calling and stuff going on in that chat box and I didn't want anyone calling me names like that. So I struggle on and make it to Ashenvale.
Today, I wonder how in the world I ever got as far as I did in the game. I know how to use the internet to find out what I need to know. But did I think to use it for this game? No, why? I have no idea, it just never crossed my mind at first. Now I live for blogs every day and keep my note pad by my computer in case I need to write down something I want to look up before my next play session.
I finish questing, found the major city of Darnassus. Quest more and make it to Auberdine (Darkshore). I struggle through those quests and the ones that were too hard I just passed up. I couldn't do them alone and didn't know anything about how to go about asking someone and really was petrified to do so. They will think I am crazy and should know how to play the game. I saw alot of name calling and stuff going on in that chat box and I didn't want anyone calling me names like that. So I struggle on and make it to Ashenvale.
Today, I wonder how in the world I ever got as far as I did in the game. I know how to use the internet to find out what I need to know. But did I think to use it for this game? No, why? I have no idea, it just never crossed my mind at first. Now I live for blogs every day and keep my note pad by my computer in case I need to write down something I want to look up before my next play session.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Spoiled Princess
Yes it's true he does spoil me!
My wonderful husband bought me a laptop for Christmas 2006. I had an old Compaq that still had Windows 98 on it. I loved making graphics and doing stuff online with it. But, I must say, it had seen better days. It had been run over by the car (more on that later) and still worked. But once in a while the screen would go all white and it would take some managing to get it to come back. Along with some frustrating words and sometimes a "well forget it" and quit. So my hubby took pity on me and bought me a new Dell Inspirion 1501 Laptop and I was a happy camper.
I used to play the X-Box 360 with my husband (him usually watching). He would go to work and I would spend a day or so playing the games (Call of Duty etc.) that he would bring home. Needless to say, as I beat them, he would bring home more. So after a while he brings home this game (World of Warcraft) and says "Here Honey, beat this one." I look at it as he tells me a little about this game and I say "wait, wait, an online game? with real people? for the computer? Oh no, I can't do that". I have never played anything like that before (well except for neopets and thats totally different). "Oh my friends at work say you will love it. Some of them play and if you need help they have answers" he says. Well Ok then, what am I waiting for?... nottt. I am petrified of the thought even. I put the game away but he gives it a try. He takes the game to our desktop computer and installs it and gets a character, I don't even know what kind, to level 5 or so.
How exactly I got interested I don't remember honestly. I am sure it was his nudging that did it. Sometime in April I tell him I will play, "But I am not playing with anyone else. I will just play by myself. I don't have to play with anyone else if I don't want to do I?" "I don't think so" he says. So I install it on my laptop with his wonderful help. Get all the updates and am sitting at the screen where you make your character. I don't want to be a guy 'cause I'm a girl. So thats one choice down. I will be a human since I am human, well you get the point from there. I end up with a human warrior. I go out into the world collecting the quests only doing a few of them and I get to this big city and I am totally lost. This city is so big I don't know what to do or where to go. There are people all around and lots of people talking in what I now know is the chat box. A really hectic place. I end up swimming in the canals and all kinds of things. It was mostly hilarious and depressing at the same time. I say I am not impressed and don't play the game for a while.
I can't help still thinking about the game and how much he wanted me to play. I had even made my first character and named it after him. His name is Cabe and I named her Cabrella. I said well maybe I will try something else. I had wanted a hunter because I personally love my bow and arrows for deerhunting. But the humans can't be hunters (what person came up with that idea?). Well, I will find a girl character that can be a hunter. I look at the horde side. Wow, those characters are scary. Hey, a night elf can be a hunter, and so Cabriella is born. A variation of the other character that only actually made it to level 12. (For all you warriors out there, you have my total love and undying admiration). Warriors are just hard to play.
Well, by the time hubby gets home from work Cabriella has been born and is level 4. I show him my girl and he watches me play a while and I ding level 5. "Well, you caught up to my character" he said. I smile and keep playing. Slowly she levels and I get to asking questions. Hubby goes to work and asks his buddies and I guess I have too many questions because someone (either hubby or his friends) suggests I google for information. Ahh haa... being the computer freak I am, why didn't I think of that? Duh me!!
Wow!!! The internet is full of people that play this game and have information by the truck load on how to play it. Boy, do I have alot of reading ahead of me.
Since this is a new blog and I have been level 70 since September of 2006 I am starting at the beginning of my story. I plan to cover my journey to 70 and then go from there with same day stuff.
Thanks for dropping by!
My wonderful husband bought me a laptop for Christmas 2006. I had an old Compaq that still had Windows 98 on it. I loved making graphics and doing stuff online with it. But, I must say, it had seen better days. It had been run over by the car (more on that later) and still worked. But once in a while the screen would go all white and it would take some managing to get it to come back. Along with some frustrating words and sometimes a "well forget it" and quit. So my hubby took pity on me and bought me a new Dell Inspirion 1501 Laptop and I was a happy camper.
I used to play the X-Box 360 with my husband (him usually watching). He would go to work and I would spend a day or so playing the games (Call of Duty etc.) that he would bring home. Needless to say, as I beat them, he would bring home more. So after a while he brings home this game (World of Warcraft) and says "Here Honey, beat this one." I look at it as he tells me a little about this game and I say "wait, wait, an online game? with real people? for the computer? Oh no, I can't do that". I have never played anything like that before (well except for neopets and thats totally different). "Oh my friends at work say you will love it. Some of them play and if you need help they have answers" he says. Well Ok then, what am I waiting for?... nottt. I am petrified of the thought even. I put the game away but he gives it a try. He takes the game to our desktop computer and installs it and gets a character, I don't even know what kind, to level 5 or so.
How exactly I got interested I don't remember honestly. I am sure it was his nudging that did it. Sometime in April I tell him I will play, "But I am not playing with anyone else. I will just play by myself. I don't have to play with anyone else if I don't want to do I?" "I don't think so" he says. So I install it on my laptop with his wonderful help. Get all the updates and am sitting at the screen where you make your character. I don't want to be a guy 'cause I'm a girl. So thats one choice down. I will be a human since I am human, well you get the point from there. I end up with a human warrior. I go out into the world collecting the quests only doing a few of them and I get to this big city and I am totally lost. This city is so big I don't know what to do or where to go. There are people all around and lots of people talking in what I now know is the chat box. A really hectic place. I end up swimming in the canals and all kinds of things. It was mostly hilarious and depressing at the same time. I say I am not impressed and don't play the game for a while.
I can't help still thinking about the game and how much he wanted me to play. I had even made my first character and named it after him. His name is Cabe and I named her Cabrella. I said well maybe I will try something else. I had wanted a hunter because I personally love my bow and arrows for deerhunting. But the humans can't be hunters (what person came up with that idea?). Well, I will find a girl character that can be a hunter. I look at the horde side. Wow, those characters are scary. Hey, a night elf can be a hunter, and so Cabriella is born. A variation of the other character that only actually made it to level 12. (For all you warriors out there, you have my total love and undying admiration). Warriors are just hard to play.
Well, by the time hubby gets home from work Cabriella has been born and is level 4. I show him my girl and he watches me play a while and I ding level 5. "Well, you caught up to my character" he said. I smile and keep playing. Slowly she levels and I get to asking questions. Hubby goes to work and asks his buddies and I guess I have too many questions because someone (either hubby or his friends) suggests I google for information. Ahh haa... being the computer freak I am, why didn't I think of that? Duh me!!
Wow!!! The internet is full of people that play this game and have information by the truck load on how to play it. Boy, do I have alot of reading ahead of me.
Since this is a new blog and I have been level 70 since September of 2006 I am starting at the beginning of my story. I plan to cover my journey to 70 and then go from there with same day stuff.
Thanks for dropping by!
The Beginning
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