I have helped to kill him three times now and I still don't feel I have gotten my revenge. Anyway, about Outlands... Hellfire Peninsula - I do not like. Zangarmarsh- I like somewhat. Blades Edge - nope don't like it. Nagrand- I haven't quested there yet. Yeh I know, I'm level 70, I should be done with all that but, no I am not. Nethestorm- no I don't like that place either but have quested some there. But I do like the Eye of the Storm battleground. If I would do all the quests that are left for me to do in Outlands I would be a rich little night elf!
Daily Quests? Nope haven't done them. Any of them. I don't know where to start and with my aversion to Outlands I don't know if I will.
So what do I do with all my time?
1- I am doing the Winterspring Frostsaber Reputation Grind- for the frostsaber mount and boy is it ever a grind. Update: This grind is done. I am the proud owner of a new Frostsaber Mount! Pictures coming soon.
2- I help lower level guildies every chance I get.
3- Jay didn't have the expansion and couldn't get past level 60. Now he has it and I help him and Sinn with outlands (and they know it's not my favorite place) but I still help 'cause I like helping my friends.
4- I run lower level dungeons and bring along folks I find hanging outside the entrances looking for groups. Then I run them again on my own. And no I don't take money for this. If I don't want to do it out of the kindness of my heart then I just don't do it. I do not use it as a money maker!
5- I have done some battlegrounds. They are hectic places and not so good for my blood pressure. Not a good thing to do right before heading off to bed!
6- I am reading and practicing some of the skills recommended by "the" Mr. Big Red Kitty. 'Cause he knows how to be a hunter! "I will not melee, I will not melee, I will not oh heck.... whackup .... sorry BRK. But I only hit it once :P I promise I am working on it, I really am!
7- Making alts- I have altitus. So many I can't play them all. And I love them all.
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