So real life issues have been hitting me hard. My husband and I have not been getting along and I found another place to go. My daughter and I are doing great and life is moving on smoothly. He is of the opinion he doesn't want to work things out.
No further details will be offered. I will not put my private issues up here for the world to comment on. Some things are just meant to stay private.
Oddly enough my WoW time has decreased dramatically. I am hardly ever able to play anymore. I spend alot of time with my new grandbaby and I am loving every minute of it. I used to play while my husband watched tv but now I find the new grandbaby just way more fun! Plus, he will grow up and I will find my way back to playing.
I did manage to get my baby girl to play and with the refer a friend bonus we have managed to get two characters to level 46. She made a hunter and I am leveling my pally. There are drawbacks to the refer a friend...
1. You get triple xp for kills and quests. That is great. Makes leveling way faster fly through the levels and outgrow zones really fast. We find we have to leave the zones without finishing all the quests because they turn grey to us.
2. Leaving the zones early you don't get to level your professions as you go. You leave too soon and your profession level is still in it's infancy.
3. My daughter is new to world of warcraft and with the triple xp and faster leveling it is kind of hard for her to learn all she needs to be the best player she can be. She is doing really good though.
4. For every two levels she gains, she can grant one of my lower level characters one level. I so far have been splitting the levels between my lower alts. So I will have the same disadvantage that she does. My lower level alts will level but I will be at a loss as to how to play them well.
5. Triple Xp Rocks though. You really have to love it, if you like racing through the levels. You have three months to level and as long as my daughter doesn't hit level 60 we can level alts until the three months are up. The triple xp stops at three months or when she hits level 60.
So we will be leveling alts and having a blast and trying to learn all we can during this faster process. Wish us luck!
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