Moonmyst is my druid alt.
The others were not able to get on and play the druids as a group. My daughter and I decided to level up our skills. We made the trek to Stormwind and first things first...

... a new look and an achievement!
Then its off to the machine to make me a Christmas elf...

...but someone thought it was Halloween and made my elf look silly!

My daughter and I went off into the world leveling up my herbalism and her mining and hoping to do it without leveling... I dinged ooopsy.

Then it was back to town and more festivities...

Then it was time to level cooking. I had already taken cooking in Darnassus but wanted to learn more while in Stormwind...

... just call me Lunch Lady!


...then first aid

...then fishing

It's all in a day's work. It is much better to level this as you go than to wait until later. It makes it so much easier on you. First aid can help keep you alive. Skinning provides income, cooking provides buffs later on and fishing helps level the cooking faster plus adds nice stuff at the later levels.
On a side note...
My daughter is too funny when we are leveling together. She gets impatient with the role playing carried out in the game and the Lich King dialog was no different. She was like "OMG, hurry up please!!!" until it came right down to it then she comes up with this...

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