Monday, May 18, 2009

Being A Parent Of A Disabled Child

Means that I have a job, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
So don't tell me to go to work and things would get better.
How dare you!

Who is going to take care of her while I work? Do you know anyone that is capable and trustworthy enough? I won't leave her with just anyone. She is my heart and soul and if something happened to her and knowing she can't tell me, I would just die, literally!

Walk a mile in my shoes buddy and lets just see how far you make it.
If God blessed you with a normal child, then I am happy for you.
I have a handicapped child and she requires my full time attention.

Come back and talk to me when you have tended a handicapped child for 20 years.
Changing diapers several times a day. Bathing, feeding, cleaning up the vomit when she is sick, trying to figure out what is wrong when she is upset and can't tell. If your child can't speak to you and can't tell you what is wrong, yeh, good luck with that one.

And let's not even get into dating, or relationships for the parent of the handicapped child.
You are embarrassed to be seen with us in public so you walk 20 feet ahead and pretend you don't know us? way to win points in the heart of that mom! NOT!!!

Staying home, its the normal thing for me. I don't go out, I don't run many errands. It takes me at home to keep my daughter safe and happy. I am told by those that are ignorant, that I don't have a life... but, I do and my daughter is it! Thank God for giving her to me and not you all. If you think having a life means going out, having fun by going out, and whatever it is you are used to doing when you GO OUT! I don't go out and I don't miss not being able to go out. I have my daughter and I think I am lucky to have been chosen to be her caretaker on this earth. I will do my best until she is with the lord. She is his child first.

My biggest fear... what will happen to her when I am gone? I am 46 years old, she is 20. Should something happen to me and one day it will.. what will become of her. How do I prepare for that?

Making ends meet is hard... It is just me and her. We live off her disability. It is by no means enough but we make do. I don't have insurance so I don't get to go to the doctor. She has insurance with her disablitly and I make sure she is taken care of medically and has all that she needs. Finding a doctor, dentist, or other medical giver for her is the challenge... We are sorry miss but, we do not have the training to handle your kind of child.. urrrgh. /facepalm

I am not asking you to change your opinion of me. I am asking you to think before you speak and put yourself in my place and then make an educated decision as to what you would do were you in my place. It is harder than you think to even get that far... now what if it was real life for you?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Camaryn and Level 80

Camaryn has hit level 80 and has been going into some older dungeons. She has joined a new guild called "Over The Hill Crew". It is a really great guild and the people are just awesome. She is doing dailies now and making her little nest egg. She learned her cold weather flying and that is a really big help. Not much else going on, working on some alts and other things.

My old guildies from the Nazgrel server have transferred over to my new realm and so we still get to play together. Such wonderful friends. Some of them have put their mains into a raiding guild and just brought their alts over to play. I can't do the raiding thing. It isn't my game.

Life is good. The grandbaby is growing like a weed. Pulling to stand and walking around the furniture and babbling words. I have been camping on the weekends in the mountains. I love it up there and with no one at home to answer to, I can go and stay as long as I like. I plan to stay longer than just weekends this summer. Kelly likes it up there too, so I see more camping in our future. Who knew being single with no man in my life could actually be fun. I haven't dated anyone since I split from my husband and that has been almost 9 months now. I have to say, I am just enjoying life for myself right now and all is good :)