Camaryn has hit level 80 and has been going into some older dungeons. She has joined a new guild called "Over The Hill Crew". It is a really great guild and the people are just awesome. She is doing dailies now and making her little nest egg. She learned her cold weather flying and that is a really big help. Not much else going on, working on some alts and other things.
My old guildies from the Nazgrel server have transferred over to my new realm and so we still get to play together. Such wonderful friends. Some of them have put their mains into a raiding guild and just brought their alts over to play. I can't do the raiding thing. It isn't my game.
Life is good. The grandbaby is growing like a weed. Pulling to stand and walking around the furniture and babbling words. I have been camping on the weekends in the mountains. I love it up there and with no one at home to answer to, I can go and stay as long as I like. I plan to stay longer than just weekends this summer. Kelly likes it up there too, so I see more camping in our future. Who knew being single with no man in my life could actually be fun. I haven't dated anyone since I split from my husband and that has been almost 9 months now. I have to say, I am just enjoying life for myself right now and all is good :)
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