Today is my birthday. I am 47 years old. I am spending it with my grandsons. Family is very important to me. I promised my grandsons they could come spend the summer with me when they got out of school for their summer vacation. They had been looking forward to it since I got my own place way back when. I had told them I had to have my own place first since my daughter didn't have room at her place when I stayed there. We have been having alot of fun.
As for the game, I have played some, but not as much as I would like, since the kids have been here. I did manage to get my son interested and he has downloaded and installed the game and is in the process of creating a character. I see more game time in my future as I introduce Azeroth to him and his wife. I can't wait.
I have been playing my mage again and also playing my death knight. I love my mage, she is arcane specced and has been since I first started playing her. My death knight... is just ok to play. It isn't really hard to play her and I think maybe the melee kind of fighting isn't the best style of play for me. I love my hunter and my pet tanking is awesome. I miss that on my mage, but I love playing her anyway. I tried a warrior once and it wasn't for me. I also have a level 59 pally but like the death knight... I just can't seem to get it. I have struggled through the levels...But, I will keep trying and hopefully I will get an understanding for this playstyle. Or well, here's hoping.
I have alot of alts. I like playing them in the early stages, the leveling to me is addicting. I don't mind the same quests over and over. I actually like it because I know exactly where to go and what to do. I have too many alts though to fully get a good understanding on how to play them as well as I do my hunter. Since my hunter is level 80, I plan to take each alt to that level and maybe doing so one at the time, I will better understand that class. Playing this alt then that alt does not help the situation at all. So maybe this new game plan will work out for me. Again... here's hoping :)
I have not been updating my blog much lately but will try to do that more often with more playtime. I am looking forward to it actually. I have a nine day vacation coming up here soon and after that... game time is on!!!
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