She comes from the beautiful city of Exodar.

I am playing with my friends on Nazgrel again. It seems good to be back playing. School gets tough for stretches at the time, but I can handle it.
So for the new Cabriella on Nazgrel. She is going with herbalism and skinning. She knows first aid, cooking, and fishing. She is working on getting her weapon skills up. I created Cabby three days ago. As of today, she is level 26. Her cat, a nightsaber from Exodar, is named KitKat.
I am leveling pretty fast. I am not speed leveling. Playing a hunter is just easy for me. I love it. My friend Bob on his mage, Alffy, ran me through Blackfathom Deeps for my first dungeon. I am thinking I may try going to the battlegrounds for a bit, and I am trying to convince myself to go into the dungeon finder.
This seems like a good way to welcome myself back to the game after a long break. I can't wait to see how long it takes her to level to 80 and if I can stick it out! That is the main thing.
I met a new friend, a warrior named Chicklett. She is new and I am helping her to learn the game. I hope I can be of help at least.
Well, off to the mountains for a camping trip and then back home for schooling. I still have my 4.0 GPA so I am doing good. I am half way through my Associates degree. :) Yay me!!!
Til later, :)
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