Monday, August 29, 2011
Altaholics and Starting Over On a New Server
How do you start over? All the work you have put into your main character and the little alts you have, how can you possibly leave them behind? My answer to this is I don't. I always come back to them. It is just so much fun to me to start over on a new server. I find it very refreshing. I do not know anyone. I have nothing there and love to see in a few days time how much I can make happen. So let's see how I do it...
First, I make a toon that I feel most comfortable leveling. For me, this is a hunter. I level this character out of the starter area and I take training in herbalism and mining. If you have an account that can make a death knight do that first.
You can only have one death knight per account. I am lucky in that I have two accounts. I can have two death knights on the same realm. This is nice because I can do trades, run my lowbies through dungeons for gear and experience without having to use the dungeon finder or ask someone for a run.
I am a solo player. I do not like dungeons nor do I like having to ask someone to do this for me. Having two death knights is helpful because instead of taking the enchanting and tailoring on my bank alt, I can do it on my other death knight. Yes, I hate the death knight starter area, but you have to do what you have to do to make the gold.
For bank alts that are not death knights, it depends on if my character is Alliance or Horde. If Alliance, I make a human and run it to Stormwind. If Horde, I make a blood elf and run it to Silvermoon City. It is the simplest run to a main city in my opinion. You can make any type you like for your bank alt. You just have to get it to a main city. There are flight points to the main city, but you do not have cash for that! Park this alt near the mailbox and auction house to run from one area to the other easily when it is time for them to do their job!
Mail all your herbs and ore to the bank alt. You will have to send some cash, whatever you can afford to send (I usually half my monies from my hunter or death knight), for posting the herbs and ore on the auction house. Any green items my hunter does not use, I also mail to the bank alt. In no time, she has plenty of cash.
Now, for those of you that have a high level toon, or at least one of level 55, you can make a death knight. You have to have Wrath of the Lich King to make a death knight. You level out of the death knight starter area and you will have around 8-10 gold. Send some of that gold to your bank alt. Take mining and herbing on the death knight and go out and collect herbs and ore. You have almost 60 levels on this toon already; use it to your advantage! You should get to level 60 and get the flying for Azeroth for fewer headaches in gathering!
How do I use it to my advantage you ask? After you get your herbing and mining up to your max level (for your level), run Stockades! Run Deadmines! Run Shadowfang Keep! You can run lowbie dungeons (do the quests while there!) and sell all green items and blues that you pick up. Some blues are soulbound (bound to you when you pick them up) and you have to just sell them to a vendor. However, some are BOE (bind on equip) and you can send them to your bank alt to sell for you. Instant cash.
A little information about a bank alt if you do not have a death knight. You may have to level it a few levels. The good thing is getting to level 10 or even 20 is very easy! First, take enchanting on the bank alt. You can disenchant greens that do not sell and sell the dust, shards, and essences you get from them. Also, take tailoring and use all the cloth your toons collect to level the tailoring. Disenchant the greens you make that your other toons do not use.
Also, get the Auctioneer addon. Go to and search for Auctioneer. It is very simple to use and will be the best help for your bank alt ever! When you download the addon, unzip it and place it onto your desktop. Open your world of warcraft folder, open the Interface folder, open the addons folder and copy the files from the auctioneer folder you downloaded and place them into the addons folder, close it up and it will work when you next play the game.
Go to the auction house on your bank alt. Open the auction house window, find the scan button and do a scan. Do a scan every day for about a week. This will build up your auction database and give you a good estimate on what things sell for. When you get ready to place an auction, go to appraiser at the bottom and look at each item. Sell each item for a few copper less than the cheapest one. You will have a bankroll in no time!
This is how I make it on a new server. I will have gold, bags, armor, etc in no time. It will take a few days to a week or so. It all depends on how much time you have to play. There is no hurry so do your thing as you have time for it. In the meantime, you can revisit your other characters on your main realm.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
All Done!
I finished my Associate's degree on July 10th. I started my Bachelor's degree on July 19th. That was not a very long break in between, thanks to my school changing its attendance policy.
Learning teams are a very new concept in my schooling. You are paired with others, and you all do the work, then everyone is graded. If somone does not do his or her part, you are responsible to get it done. So far, my team is great and everyone is doing his or her part. I just hope that continues into the final.
In the game, I am not doing much playing this week. I just returned home from spending the last 10 days in South Carolina with my daughter and grandkids. I had a wonderful time. It was good to see and spend time with them!
I need to start working on my baby alts. I did manage to get my hunter from level 84 to level 85. I am working hard on getting my death knight to level 81. I am also trying to get her mining and herbing levels up to match her leveling level so she is able to pick/mine the nodes she comes across in Mt. Hyjal.

Most of my friends have stopped playing. They either went to Rift or stopped all together. I still have my small guild. It is not very active. I also trimmed my real-id list down to one person not including my daughter.
I plan to spend the next week or so in game. I am going to level some professions and some alts. I want to see how many I can get to level 85. Ha! right... well here's hoping!
Learning teams are a very new concept in my schooling. You are paired with others, and you all do the work, then everyone is graded. If somone does not do his or her part, you are responsible to get it done. So far, my team is great and everyone is doing his or her part. I just hope that continues into the final.
In the game, I am not doing much playing this week. I just returned home from spending the last 10 days in South Carolina with my daughter and grandkids. I had a wonderful time. It was good to see and spend time with them!
I need to start working on my baby alts. I did manage to get my hunter from level 84 to level 85. I am working hard on getting my death knight to level 81. I am also trying to get her mining and herbing levels up to match her leveling level so she is able to pick/mine the nodes she comes across in Mt. Hyjal.

Most of my friends have stopped playing. They either went to Rift or stopped all together. I still have my small guild. It is not very active. I also trimmed my real-id list down to one person not including my daughter.
I plan to spend the next week or so in game. I am going to level some professions and some alts. I want to see how many I can get to level 85. Ha! right... well here's hoping!
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