Learning teams are a very new concept in my schooling. You are paired with others, and you all do the work, then everyone is graded. If somone does not do his or her part, you are responsible to get it done. So far, my team is great and everyone is doing his or her part. I just hope that continues into the final.
In the game, I am not doing much playing this week. I just returned home from spending the last 10 days in South Carolina with my daughter and grandkids. I had a wonderful time. It was good to see and spend time with them!
I need to start working on my baby alts. I did manage to get my hunter from level 84 to level 85. I am working hard on getting my death knight to level 81. I am also trying to get her mining and herbing levels up to match her leveling level so she is able to pick/mine the nodes she comes across in Mt. Hyjal.

Most of my friends have stopped playing. They either went to Rift or stopped all together. I still have my small guild. It is not very active. I also trimmed my real-id list down to one person not including my daughter.
I plan to spend the next week or so in game. I am going to level some professions and some alts. I want to see how many I can get to level 85. Ha! right... well here's hoping!
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