Friday, October 30, 2009

Of Headless Horsmen and other things...

I have been playing the game a little more than before. I am playing more on the Kirin Tor realm instead of Nazgrel. I am leveling some of my alts. I started leveling my paladin (Cayelia). She was level 59 and is now level 63. My daughter is leveling her priest (Priestleigh). She mentioned that she wanted to level our Death Knights on Kirin Tor. The DK I was leveling earlier is on Nazgrel. We decided to level my DK (Tinette) with her priest and her DK (Elvira) with my paladin. My DK is level 60 her priest is level 62. Her DK is level 59 my paladin is level 63. I think it will work out pretty well with this combo.

I am still doing the school thing. I have straight A's in my classes. Guess I am not so stupid after all. :) When I am done, I will have a degree and will be able to find a decent paying job. I am finding I am enjoying school very much. It feels good to my brain to work hard and grow, even after all these years. My daughter is taking Criminal Justice and she is also making straight A's. I am very proud of her.

My camping time is over for this year. We had to close up and winterize the camper for the winter. I love going up there. It is so peaceful and beautiful. I cannot wait until May to go back.

Thanksgiving is soon upon us and I have much to be thankful for. I have love-from my family. I have health. I am happy. Christmas will also be here soon. I have winter break from school from 12/21 until 1/4. I see more game time in my future!

I do not know when the expansion will come out. There are going to be some major changes in the game when it does. I hope it is not too drastic, but I think with the starting areas being torn asunder it will be. It will be like playing a new game entirely though, and that could be nice.

I want to get my alts leveled and will be working on that as much as possible.

Camaryn has had her name changed back to Cabriella. It is just a pretty name and I like it. She has been camping out in the Scarlet Monastery and running Headless Horseman runs every night. We have a good, solid group to run it with. Once in a while, we have to find a fill in for someone who could not make it that night. So far, it has been fun. Cabriella has only run this once last year and we died doing it. This year we have done well.

I hope to get our guild into more dungeons later this coming year. She needs some gear. I hate dungeons but am slowly getting more comfortable running them. Our guild is great and works well together. I look forward to them clearing all that we can in the upcoming year!


Brieze said...

Mom you do great, and I admire you for all that you have accomplished in your life, and for what you are still accomplishing. You are one of the smartest people I know, and I know that if I have a question usually you have the answer, and if you don't then you will help me find it. You are a wonderful person and you mean the world to me and those around you. Never let anything get you down, because you are a fantastic person. I have enjoyed my game time with you, and I am so glad that we can play together. I look forward to leveling all of our toons together. =) I am also very proud of you for taking the time to go back to school. Not to mention making straight A's. Just remember that no matter what, me and Christopher love you very much and we always will. =) I look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas with you. <3 I am thankful to have you, because you are such a wonderful mother. Thank you for everything!

Cabriella said...

I love you too Honey. I am thankful each and every day for my family. It's about time I got my priorities in the right place!

I too, can't wait for the holidays! It will be fun to get us all together and just have some family time. You know I am cooking as usual and we will be stuffed :)

You make me proud too honey. I am glad you are going to school and glad you talked me into going back. It is sooo worth it.

Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter. I love you very much!

Brieze said...
