Monday, August 31, 2009

School and Gaming

Well, my first week of school is over and I am now starting into my second week. Grades came out today for last week. I have 100% on all my grades in all my classes. I am so happy. I was hoping game time wouldn't impact school to the point I couldn't play much. I am happy to say that didn't happen and I did really well.

In the game, I got my Death Knight to level 70. She went to Northrend and quested in Valiance Keep, a couple other places, also the airstrip area(which I hate) and has now been parked in the inn waiting to go to Amber Ledge. I am finding I love playing her and that is saying alot. I didn't think I would ever like playing a Death Knight this much. I still love my hunter and mage though, so no plans to make her my main.

Off to do the homework thing and then to bed for early classes tomorrow.

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