Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More Adventures In The Game

I have gotten my death knight almost to level 71. I haven't played her that much this past week. I have been playing and leveling a new Cabriella. Instead of moving over Camaryn from Kirin Tor, I decided to start over with a new baby night elf hunter and do with her from the beginning what I didn't do with the original Cabriella. I will not be leveling enchanting that is for certain. I am also leveling a baby gnome mage along with her named Tikatee. They currently reside in the inn in Stormwind and are both at level 28. It is really fun and I am taking lots of screenshots to preserve the memories of leveling in Azeroth now as opposed to when the destructiveness of Cataclysm hits and destroys all the lands as we now know them.

I will be making a human hunter and a worgen hunter when they become available. I am in no hurry though. I may even try the goblin race on the horde side. I do not plan to do any faction changes at the moment. I may do a race change when that comes available. Not sure on whom :)

School is going great. I have 100% in all my classes for the last two weeks. I am going into my third week this week. It is really something I am enjoying.

Last night I played on Nazgrel with Sinnadyn. He played his druid (Layzerface) and I played another toon I am leveling Farrah (Draenei Hunter). We played around Astranaar for a couple hours and I gained almost two whole levels. She is now almost level 26. It was most enjoyable.

I have become the proud owner of a guild. I was on Cabriella leveling and someone invited her to their guild. I said sure why not. As soon as I joined I was promoted to guild master and the dude left the guild after saying C-Ya. I had to laugh and then I got to work on seeing what was what with that guild. I have about 9 members that haven't been on in nine months and they were immediately demoted to starter ranks. I opened a guild bank tab and ran some dungeons to fill it and opened a second one and it is now almost filled. I put all my alts in the guild, my daughters alts in the guild and some of my old guildies alts are now in the guild. It's like coming home. The guild name is Crafted Heros. We have a bright purple tabard. It's great! And it isn't a bad name really. Lol :) So once again, Cabriella's Corner now has a Cabriella toon that it can once again stand for. Grats to myself on moving on and letting bygones be bygones. I am a happy little night elf! :P

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