My friends have made new toons on a different realm. You know me, I am all over that! I made a new Cabriella. She is a Draenei Hunter. No Night Elf this time. I am kind of tired of the Night Elves. My friends Sinnadyn and Lethalor both made warriors. Sinnadyn made a Dwarf and Leth made a Draenei. These new toons are on the PVP realm of Arthas. This will be interesting. I have never played very far on a PVP realm. I hear ya have to watch your back.
My friend Sinnadyn started his toon first, so he lends me some cash to get started. Thank you Sinny, you are the best!
Cabriella is cute. She made it through the starter quests on Azuremyst or at the crash site rather. Here she is:

Yeh, I know, she is in Auberdine. That is the most recent picture of her. I didn't take a starter pic of her. :(
Anyway, she quested alone trying to get to level 10 to get the pet. I already knew I wanted a bear. I hear there is a Spirit Bear coming in Cataclysm. I want to be ready!
The quests in Azuremyst are quite different. I can't say I like that area much. This quest has to be my favorite. It is called the Totem of Coo I think. You get wings to fly:

I must say, Blizzard has certainly made the beginning levels easy. There are all kinds of things that pop up now to tell you what to do next. Little mini boxes that explain a lot of things that were not there when I first started this game. It is great. The starter areas have all been changed to yellow so nothing there attacks you anymore. It is great! Just what an altoholic loves. :)
Cabbie hits level 10. Yay! I can learn to tame pets now!

So Cabbie heads off to Exodar. She has to go talk to Kella Nightbow about how to tame a pet.
First tame a crawler:

Then a Strider:

Lastly a Cat:

Now, I know how to tame pets. Before I can tame the one I want, I have to learn to fish so I can feed it. I am not buying its food. And if I am going to fish I have to be able to cook. Buff food later on is the way to go!

Then I get to Journeyman Fisherman: I wanted to get this level in fishing so I can do the fishing quests in Auberdine because I plan to go there to quest after I do some of Westfall.

Cabbie also learns a couple pets that were waiting in the mail when I got to Exodar. I bought the Collector's Editon of the Wrath of the Lich King and I get a Frosty pet on all new toons!

Learning the Journeyman on some skills that I will need. The skinning will provide me with some cash to keep going. I also took Herbalism. I love flowerpickin!

Now I head to Auberdine, catch a boat to Stormwind and time for a new doo for the achievement:

Now First Aid needs to be worked on you never know when you might need a bandaid :)

Now take the tram to Ironforge and head out to the Northgate Pass to tame my bear!

Her Majesty

That is the bear I tamed near Ironforge. Mangeclaw, it used to be a level 10 but now is level 11. I was disappointed when I got there, luckily I only had a few bubbles to go to level 11. I just killed pigs and dinged and tamed. I named her, Her Majesty because she just is!
Then on to Westfall an quest. I have to have the Chicken pet. She looks so dorky doing that:

After Westfall, I head to Darnassus and do all the low level quests for rep so I can buy a Cat mount. I can get the "Going Down" achievement in Shadowglen. It is the easiest place I know to get it. I do it on all my toons!

Then I finish up there and head to Auberdine and start my questing there. That is where we are now, hanging in the inn in Auberdine.
I am all of level 17. The plan, to play tonight and tomorrow as much as I can. New classes start on Monday. "Research Writing" and "Psychology:Why we do what we do". Sounds interesting huh?
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