We have been leveling the baby alts on the PVP realm some. I decided to make us a guild. With help from my friend Jesse, I named it Of Old Friends. I love the tabard. It is brown and white; rather neutral colors I think.

We decided, since we are on a PVP realm, we needed to make Death Knights. We put our lowbie alts on hold and created the girls! LOL My friends are cool like that. They feel comfortable playing girl toons and I do not mind at all. The Draenei (Kastrina) is my friend Bob. The Human(Sugarbush)is my friend Jesse. And I am the runt of the pack- the Gnome (Tinette).

We managed to get out of the starter area on the second night of playing together. Then we take some time to level our skills a bit. We have to gather stuff while we play or we do not have any gold coming in to finance our toons.
The very first quest, we get attacked from the sky by the horde. They kill my friend and I try to attack him but he runs! Little chicken. Another kills me later during the same quest. They wait until we are split apart to attack us. Anyway, two are waiting as we head back to Honor Hold to call it a night. One troll DOT's me up as I run through to the inn. I die as I reach the innkeeper. Stupid DOT's! That is a picture of my bones. LOL I already see, this is going to be fun.

1 comment:
I love your blogs Cabby! And not just the ones that include us. Keep em comin Mama!
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