It has been a while since I last posted. College is keeping me busy and so is the game. It has been a while since I did the battlegrounds and I have been doing those again lately. I do not know what it is about them that I love but I really do love going into the random ones. It beats dungeon running for me. Of course, we all know I hate dungeons!
I did get my death knight to level 80. Then they went and changed her spec to tanking. I don't like dungeons and I certainly do not want to tank! She is still horde and on the Zangarmarsh server. My daughter loves her priest but wanted to get back to the ally side of things. We have come back to Kirin'Tor and I am playing my hunter again. She managed to pick up the Headless Horseman's Reins... yay!
I am also leveling some alts in the battlegrounds. I still have my twink there but the queues never pop. Twinking I guess is dead for now. I hear it may be making a comeback in Cataclysm. Here's hoping on that one.
I have many alts and have been leveling different ones through the battleground. I plan to do some research on Arena teams. That may be a little more than I want to get into in the game though.
All in all, its been fun to start back where we left off on the ally side of things. There are many classes overpowered in the battlgrounds right now. The patch made a big mess of things. I was doing well until then. All of a sudden, rogues one shot you no matter how much life you have. I just go in to die now! LOL I figure Blizzard will get around to fixing everything and the game will be fun in the bg's again. I still have fun, I just die more often than before!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
A Trip to the Other Side...
My daughter and I have been playing horde. I have leveled my death knight to 76 and she has leveled her priest to almost 72. We both wanted to experience all we could of the horde side of things before Cataclysm comes out and destroys the entire world of Azeroth. It has been going great so far.
We are now just into Dragonblight and with her heals and my blood spec, we downed a couple elites with just the two of us. The last elite was level 74 which was at the time 3 levels above her. Everything went well right up until we died the first try. The second try with a little more planning we got him. We are trying to get these girls to level 80 and plan to start on leveling something else. We both have quite a few alliance toons but, we both wanted to try out the horde side, and we like it. We think we might end up neglecting our mains, or making these our new mains.
My hunter has been level 80 for what seems like forever. I do not even play her much anymore. I haven't done many dungeons so she is not geared. However, I am thinking I may research tanking on my death knight and give the dungeons a try as a tank. I already have a good healer to go with me. :)
We are now just into Dragonblight and with her heals and my blood spec, we downed a couple elites with just the two of us. The last elite was level 74 which was at the time 3 levels above her. Everything went well right up until we died the first try. The second try with a little more planning we got him. We are trying to get these girls to level 80 and plan to start on leveling something else. We both have quite a few alliance toons but, we both wanted to try out the horde side, and we like it. We think we might end up neglecting our mains, or making these our new mains.
My hunter has been level 80 for what seems like forever. I do not even play her much anymore. I haven't done many dungeons so she is not geared. However, I am thinking I may research tanking on my death knight and give the dungeons a try as a tank. I already have a good healer to go with me. :)
leveling as horde,
new mains,
playing wow with family
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Cataclysm Beta
Everyone is buzzing about beta. Everyone wants in on the fun. I was invited to participate in the beta. Yay! for me. It is great. Everything is changing and mostly for the better. I have some screenshots I will be posting later showing some of the changes I have found and I will post later about leveling in the new starter areas. Everyone else is about leveling new goblins and worgen or visiting the higher leveling areas. Me, I just want to try leveling in the new starter areas with the new quest lines and see how it is. I want to know if its faster leveling, easier to get to certain things that were previously strewn all around the Azerothian map. I will post here soon about my findings.
Psychology and What I Am Learning
In my psychology classes I am learning about myself. I have found out that I am what is known as an introvert. I did some reasearch and found this out about being introverted:
"Contrary to what most people think, an introvert is not simply a person who is shy. In fact, being shy has little to do with being an introvert! Shyness has an element of apprehension, nervousness and anxiety, and while an introvert may also be shy, introversion itself is not shyness. Basically, an introvert is a person who is energized by being alone and whose energy is drained by being around other people.
Introverts are more concerned with the inner world of the mind. They enjoy thinking, exploring their thoughts and feelings. They often avoid social situations because being around people drains their energy. This is true even if they have good social skills. After being with people for any length of time, such as at a party, they need time alone to "recharge."
When introverts want to be alone, it is not, by itself, a sign of depression. It means that they either need to regain their energy from being around people or that they simply want the time to be with their own thoughts. Being with people, even people they like and are comfortable with, can prevent them from their desire to be quietly introspective.
Being introspective, though, does not mean that an introvert never has conversations. However, those conversations are generally about ideas and concepts, not about what they consider the trivial matters of social small talk.
Introverts make up about 60% of the gifted population but only about 25-40% of the general population".
This article was written by Carol Bainbridge and can be found at
"Contrary to what most people think, an introvert is not simply a person who is shy. In fact, being shy has little to do with being an introvert! Shyness has an element of apprehension, nervousness and anxiety, and while an introvert may also be shy, introversion itself is not shyness. Basically, an introvert is a person who is energized by being alone and whose energy is drained by being around other people.
Introverts are more concerned with the inner world of the mind. They enjoy thinking, exploring their thoughts and feelings. They often avoid social situations because being around people drains their energy. This is true even if they have good social skills. After being with people for any length of time, such as at a party, they need time alone to "recharge."
When introverts want to be alone, it is not, by itself, a sign of depression. It means that they either need to regain their energy from being around people or that they simply want the time to be with their own thoughts. Being with people, even people they like and are comfortable with, can prevent them from their desire to be quietly introspective.
Being introspective, though, does not mean that an introvert never has conversations. However, those conversations are generally about ideas and concepts, not about what they consider the trivial matters of social small talk.
Introverts make up about 60% of the gifted population but only about 25-40% of the general population".
This article was written by Carol Bainbridge and can be found at
my personality,
psychology class,
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Midsummer Fire Festival
My hunter has done most of the Midsummer Fire Festival Activities. I have not killed Ahune. I hate dungeons and I hate the idea that I have to do them to get the achievements that I want. Oh well... Here is my hunter all dressed up for the occasion. She looks beautiful. :)

I am loving the friends real id thingy. I can play on any realm and still chat with my friends its great, cause sometimes ya just don't want to use vent!

I am loving the friends real id thingy. I can play on any realm and still chat with my friends its great, cause sometimes ya just don't want to use vent!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Break Time Is Over... and Now We Play
So meet Cabriella... the new.

She comes from the beautiful city of Exodar.

I am playing with my friends on Nazgrel again. It seems good to be back playing. School gets tough for stretches at the time, but I can handle it.
So for the new Cabriella on Nazgrel. She is going with herbalism and skinning. She knows first aid, cooking, and fishing. She is working on getting her weapon skills up. I created Cabby three days ago. As of today, she is level 26. Her cat, a nightsaber from Exodar, is named KitKat.
I am leveling pretty fast. I am not speed leveling. Playing a hunter is just easy for me. I love it. My friend Bob on his mage, Alffy, ran me through Blackfathom Deeps for my first dungeon. I am thinking I may try going to the battlegrounds for a bit, and I am trying to convince myself to go into the dungeon finder.
This seems like a good way to welcome myself back to the game after a long break. I can't wait to see how long it takes her to level to 80 and if I can stick it out! That is the main thing.
I met a new friend, a warrior named Chicklett. She is new and I am helping her to learn the game. I hope I can be of help at least.
Well, off to the mountains for a camping trip and then back home for schooling. I still have my 4.0 GPA so I am doing good. I am half way through my Associates degree. :) Yay me!!!
Til later, :)

She comes from the beautiful city of Exodar.

I am playing with my friends on Nazgrel again. It seems good to be back playing. School gets tough for stretches at the time, but I can handle it.
So for the new Cabriella on Nazgrel. She is going with herbalism and skinning. She knows first aid, cooking, and fishing. She is working on getting her weapon skills up. I created Cabby three days ago. As of today, she is level 26. Her cat, a nightsaber from Exodar, is named KitKat.
I am leveling pretty fast. I am not speed leveling. Playing a hunter is just easy for me. I love it. My friend Bob on his mage, Alffy, ran me through Blackfathom Deeps for my first dungeon. I am thinking I may try going to the battlegrounds for a bit, and I am trying to convince myself to go into the dungeon finder.
This seems like a good way to welcome myself back to the game after a long break. I can't wait to see how long it takes her to level to 80 and if I can stick it out! That is the main thing.
I met a new friend, a warrior named Chicklett. She is new and I am helping her to learn the game. I hope I can be of help at least.
Well, off to the mountains for a camping trip and then back home for schooling. I still have my 4.0 GPA so I am doing good. I am half way through my Associates degree. :) Yay me!!!
Til later, :)
leveling a hunter alt,
new friends,
new game,
Friday, March 26, 2010
Taking a Break
There will be no more posts here for a while. I am taking a break from the game and focusing on my studies. I have suspended my game account and will pick it back up at a later date. :)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Rockin it Red
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Snow, Snow, Snow
Snow! We have had quite a bit of it this year. We don't usually get much snow. We had a good snow last year. It will usually skip a year or so before we have another good amount again. It is pretty though. I love it. But, I am ready for the warmth of Spring. I just hope we have a Spring and not go right into the heat of Summer!

This is in my back yard. I still have about an inch on the ground this morning and it melted all night!

It was a heavy snow. It caused some trees in my back yard to break. Poor birds, they won't have anywhere to hide now with the trees gone. They flocked to my bird feeders on my back deck. They love it! It seems good to be able to have bird feeders and decorations on my deck and decorations in my house! I can't say I like plain walls much or teenage-like posters on the walls. :) Give me decorations! Anyway, here are some pics of the birds eating at the feeders...

I haven't been in the game much lately. I hope to change that soon. School has kept me busy and I spent the night at my daughter's house over the weekend and played with the grandson. He is such a cutiepie.

Nana's little bug. I love him!
This is in my back yard. I still have about an inch on the ground this morning and it melted all night!
It was a heavy snow. It caused some trees in my back yard to break. Poor birds, they won't have anywhere to hide now with the trees gone. They flocked to my bird feeders on my back deck. They love it! It seems good to be able to have bird feeders and decorations on my deck and decorations in my house! I can't say I like plain walls much or teenage-like posters on the walls. :) Give me decorations! Anyway, here are some pics of the birds eating at the feeders...
I haven't been in the game much lately. I hope to change that soon. School has kept me busy and I spent the night at my daughter's house over the weekend and played with the grandson. He is such a cutiepie.
Nana's little bug. I love him!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Leveling and Other Game Stuff
We changed the name of the guild back to Spirits of Retribution. Since all the old crew have come back together. We are steadily growing and have several new level 80's that have joined. Running dungeons shouldn't be hard to do from now on.
I am having to level Weelocke my gnome warlock. She was level 37 and I maxed out her professions at 300. She has alchemy and inscription. She has to get to level 50 to train those professions again. Sooo, I am on a leveling spree with her. I used to hate playing her. I have gotten her to level 40 so far. She has actually turned out to be quite fun. I am enjoying playing her. She does monstrous damage and her pet can tank anything! So maybe getting her leveled up might not be as bad as I thought it would to begin with.
Everyone has moved their mains to the new realm and joined the guild. We have I guess around ten to twelve level 80's. Hopefully we can do some ten mans soon. I have never done one of those. :)
School is going great. I still have my 4.0 GPA. I graduate in April of 2011. That isn't really that far off. Lol. Yay, me. I love my classes. It is hard but good. I can tell my memory is a lot better than before. Using my old brain whipped it into shape ... somewhat. hehe It's all good. As long as I learn something, I am not complaining one bit. Meeting new people in class and enjoying the daily life of being a student and mom. Can't beat it.
I am having to level Weelocke my gnome warlock. She was level 37 and I maxed out her professions at 300. She has alchemy and inscription. She has to get to level 50 to train those professions again. Sooo, I am on a leveling spree with her. I used to hate playing her. I have gotten her to level 40 so far. She has actually turned out to be quite fun. I am enjoying playing her. She does monstrous damage and her pet can tank anything! So maybe getting her leveled up might not be as bad as I thought it would to begin with.
Everyone has moved their mains to the new realm and joined the guild. We have I guess around ten to twelve level 80's. Hopefully we can do some ten mans soon. I have never done one of those. :)
School is going great. I still have my 4.0 GPA. I graduate in April of 2011. That isn't really that far off. Lol. Yay, me. I love my classes. It is hard but good. I can tell my memory is a lot better than before. Using my old brain whipped it into shape ... somewhat. hehe It's all good. As long as I learn something, I am not complaining one bit. Meeting new people in class and enjoying the daily life of being a student and mom. Can't beat it.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Best Wow Video Ever!
The Craft of War: BLIND from percula on Vimeo.
I love this video. I saw it first on and they have posted it again today. The graphics and story are made of pure awesome!
Soooo, How Is Life Treating You?
School keeps me busy. Psychology classes are great but, I can do without Sigmund Freud. Personally, I think he is an idiot. But, anyway.... I am learning why people do things they do... like drinking and smoking and what it is they are trying to compensate for with these activities... umm yeah... but what they are really getting in the bargain isn't worth it.
The game... leveling a Pally on the PVP realm. Leveling on a pvp realm is always fun. You are running along questing, minding your own, when out of nowhere someone attacks you and you are dead. One hit! Dead! I don't get it??? If you are 20 levels over someone what do you get out of killing them? It isn't my kind of fun. I don't mind the death part or the running back to my body to rez and die again. I just don't get what you get out of killing someone that is so much lower level than you and then camp the bodies? I mean you killed me a lowbie, you have to wait until I rez so you can do it again?... that does something for you?...Geeez, Dude, Get a life! hahaha now that that is out of my system...
Leveling the pally with my daughter's priest... we are level 65 and 64 respectively. It is a pretty great combo. Well, until the 80's come and set up camp...yeh yeh, I am over it....moving on hehe
Doing pretty well with the economy on the new realm. Big realms with a queue to log in, have the best economy or at least this one does. Nazgrel and Kirin'Tor are very poor realms compared.
We have started running dungeons to get Cab her gear, because my gear sucks big time. Last night, she got the Staff of Trickery. A very nice purple staff. I bought a 300 gold enchant to put on it as my enchanting isn't high enough to do it myself. We ran Violet Hold for that one and we ran Utgarde Keep for a bow that didn't drop. Oh well, maybe next time. It has been awesome running with Sinnadyn and Drossard (Lethalor) again. They are my two best friends in the game not counting my daughter. Drossard talked an 80 mage into joining our guild and we hope to do a lot more dungeons.
Love is in the air... yes it is that time again... in game the Valentine's Day festivities are underway. I am trying to do them when I can and it is not my favorite holiday in game. I do have to say, I want a shot at the level 80 trio they added to Shadowfang Keep... that is one of my favorite lowbie dungeons and I would love to tackle these guys ... hopefully our guild will do that soon. In the meantime, I will keep leveling the pally, death knight and working on Cabby some decent gear. Yay! for good friends and loads of fun!
The game... leveling a Pally on the PVP realm. Leveling on a pvp realm is always fun. You are running along questing, minding your own, when out of nowhere someone attacks you and you are dead. One hit! Dead! I don't get it??? If you are 20 levels over someone what do you get out of killing them? It isn't my kind of fun. I don't mind the death part or the running back to my body to rez and die again. I just don't get what you get out of killing someone that is so much lower level than you and then camp the bodies? I mean you killed me a lowbie, you have to wait until I rez so you can do it again?... that does something for you?...Geeez, Dude, Get a life! hahaha now that that is out of my system...
Leveling the pally with my daughter's priest... we are level 65 and 64 respectively. It is a pretty great combo. Well, until the 80's come and set up camp...yeh yeh, I am over it....moving on hehe
Doing pretty well with the economy on the new realm. Big realms with a queue to log in, have the best economy or at least this one does. Nazgrel and Kirin'Tor are very poor realms compared.
We have started running dungeons to get Cab her gear, because my gear sucks big time. Last night, she got the Staff of Trickery. A very nice purple staff. I bought a 300 gold enchant to put on it as my enchanting isn't high enough to do it myself. We ran Violet Hold for that one and we ran Utgarde Keep for a bow that didn't drop. Oh well, maybe next time. It has been awesome running with Sinnadyn and Drossard (Lethalor) again. They are my two best friends in the game not counting my daughter. Drossard talked an 80 mage into joining our guild and we hope to do a lot more dungeons.
Love is in the air... yes it is that time again... in game the Valentine's Day festivities are underway. I am trying to do them when I can and it is not my favorite holiday in game. I do have to say, I want a shot at the level 80 trio they added to Shadowfang Keep... that is one of my favorite lowbie dungeons and I would love to tackle these guys ... hopefully our guild will do that soon. In the meantime, I will keep leveling the pally, death knight and working on Cabby some decent gear. Yay! for good friends and loads of fun!
guild runs,
love is in the air,
pvp realm leveling,
Saturday, January 16, 2010
More Gaming and New Classes
I started new classes this week. Not so bad actually. So far I still have my 4.0 GPA. I am happy about that.
We have been leveling the baby alts on the PVP realm some. I decided to make us a guild. With help from my friend Jesse, I named it Of Old Friends. I love the tabard. It is brown and white; rather neutral colors I think.

We decided, since we are on a PVP realm, we needed to make Death Knights. We put our lowbie alts on hold and created the girls! LOL My friends are cool like that. They feel comfortable playing girl toons and I do not mind at all. The Draenei (Kastrina) is my friend Bob. The Human(Sugarbush)is my friend Jesse. And I am the runt of the pack- the Gnome (Tinette).

We managed to get out of the starter area on the second night of playing together. Then we take some time to level our skills a bit. We have to gather stuff while we play or we do not have any gold coming in to finance our toons.
The very first quest, we get attacked from the sky by the horde. They kill my friend and I try to attack him but he runs! Little chicken. Another kills me later during the same quest. They wait until we are split apart to attack us. Anyway, two are waiting as we head back to Honor Hold to call it a night. One troll DOT's me up as I run through to the inn. I die as I reach the innkeeper. Stupid DOT's! That is a picture of my bones. LOL I already see, this is going to be fun.
We have been leveling the baby alts on the PVP realm some. I decided to make us a guild. With help from my friend Jesse, I named it Of Old Friends. I love the tabard. It is brown and white; rather neutral colors I think.

We decided, since we are on a PVP realm, we needed to make Death Knights. We put our lowbie alts on hold and created the girls! LOL My friends are cool like that. They feel comfortable playing girl toons and I do not mind at all. The Draenei (Kastrina) is my friend Bob. The Human(Sugarbush)is my friend Jesse. And I am the runt of the pack- the Gnome (Tinette).

We managed to get out of the starter area on the second night of playing together. Then we take some time to level our skills a bit. We have to gather stuff while we play or we do not have any gold coming in to finance our toons.
The very first quest, we get attacked from the sky by the horde. They kill my friend and I try to attack him but he runs! Little chicken. Another kills me later during the same quest. They wait until we are split apart to attack us. Anyway, two are waiting as we head back to Honor Hold to call it a night. One troll DOT's me up as I run through to the inn. I die as I reach the innkeeper. Stupid DOT's! That is a picture of my bones. LOL I already see, this is going to be fun.

death knight,
leveling with friends,
pvp realm,
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Sample of my poetry....
I may start putting some of my poetry up here. This is the first time I have ever put it up for the world to see. I am a little nervous! :)
A Heart for You
This heart of mine belongs to you now
It is a strong heart; made that way over the years
By finding and losing what it thought was love
But nothing ever touched this heart the way that you do
It is always happy to see you
Your smile makes it melt; your eyes mesmerize it
Your touch can set it on fire; your gentle voice soothes it
This heart is a good heart
Not too many scars that are visible
Or hide the goodness inside
It tries to see the best in everything
It is not a hateful heart
It will never hurt you in any way
It is an "old" heart
It has lived several lifetimes inside this body
It is a wise heart
It "knows" what can happen
But, it is a brave heart
It isn't afraid to take a chance at finding what it searches for
It is a warm heart
Full of love and affection, it will give you all you need and still have more
It is a patient heart
It doesn't get in too big a hurry; it knows what's worth waiting for
It is an empathetic heart
It will always consider how you would feel
It is not a greedy heart
It will never ask for what you can not give; it will never be able to use "things" or "money"
It is a giving heart
It will give everything to you, freely
It is a careful heart
Ever watching and waiting
But mostly, it is a gift
Giving you love, steady and true, always there for you
No matter what happens
Every time you need it
And this heart loves you very much!
By:Pamela Merritt
This heart of mine belongs to you now
It is a strong heart; made that way over the years
By finding and losing what it thought was love
But nothing ever touched this heart the way that you do
It is always happy to see you
Your smile makes it melt; your eyes mesmerize it
Your touch can set it on fire; your gentle voice soothes it
This heart is a good heart
Not too many scars that are visible
Or hide the goodness inside
It tries to see the best in everything
It is not a hateful heart
It will never hurt you in any way
It is an "old" heart
It has lived several lifetimes inside this body
It is a wise heart
It "knows" what can happen
But, it is a brave heart
It isn't afraid to take a chance at finding what it searches for
It is a warm heart
Full of love and affection, it will give you all you need and still have more
It is a patient heart
It doesn't get in too big a hurry; it knows what's worth waiting for
It is an empathetic heart
It will always consider how you would feel
It is not a greedy heart
It will never ask for what you can not give; it will never be able to use "things" or "money"
It is a giving heart
It will give everything to you, freely
It is a careful heart
Ever watching and waiting
But mostly, it is a gift
Giving you love, steady and true, always there for you
No matter what happens
Every time you need it
And this heart loves you very much!
By:Pamela Merritt
Remarks from the teacher....
Outstanding work! Every class I teach there are one or two exceptional students who are a genuine pleasure to work with, and you are one such student. You clearly have a strong grasp on the subjects we discussed, and it showed in your exemplary grades. It's a pleasure to have students of your caliber in the class, because your classmates and I all benefit from your ideas and knowledge. Keep up the great work!
This makes all the hard work worth the effort. :)
This makes all the hard work worth the effort. :)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Finals are over... gaming begins...
I took my finals this past week. I do not know my grades yet, but nothing was absolutely too hard.
My friends have made new toons on a different realm. You know me, I am all over that! I made a new Cabriella. She is a Draenei Hunter. No Night Elf this time. I am kind of tired of the Night Elves. My friends Sinnadyn and Lethalor both made warriors. Sinnadyn made a Dwarf and Leth made a Draenei. These new toons are on the PVP realm of Arthas. This will be interesting. I have never played very far on a PVP realm. I hear ya have to watch your back.
My friend Sinnadyn started his toon first, so he lends me some cash to get started. Thank you Sinny, you are the best!
Cabriella is cute. She made it through the starter quests on Azuremyst or at the crash site rather. Here she is:

Yeh, I know, she is in Auberdine. That is the most recent picture of her. I didn't take a starter pic of her. :(
Anyway, she quested alone trying to get to level 10 to get the pet. I already knew I wanted a bear. I hear there is a Spirit Bear coming in Cataclysm. I want to be ready!
The quests in Azuremyst are quite different. I can't say I like that area much. This quest has to be my favorite. It is called the Totem of Coo I think. You get wings to fly:

I must say, Blizzard has certainly made the beginning levels easy. There are all kinds of things that pop up now to tell you what to do next. Little mini boxes that explain a lot of things that were not there when I first started this game. It is great. The starter areas have all been changed to yellow so nothing there attacks you anymore. It is great! Just what an altoholic loves. :)
Cabbie hits level 10. Yay! I can learn to tame pets now!

So Cabbie heads off to Exodar. She has to go talk to Kella Nightbow about how to tame a pet.
First tame a crawler:

Then a Strider:

Lastly a Cat:

Now, I know how to tame pets. Before I can tame the one I want, I have to learn to fish so I can feed it. I am not buying its food. And if I am going to fish I have to be able to cook. Buff food later on is the way to go!

Then I get to Journeyman Fisherman: I wanted to get this level in fishing so I can do the fishing quests in Auberdine because I plan to go there to quest after I do some of Westfall.

Cabbie also learns a couple pets that were waiting in the mail when I got to Exodar. I bought the Collector's Editon of the Wrath of the Lich King and I get a Frosty pet on all new toons!

Learning the Journeyman on some skills that I will need. The skinning will provide me with some cash to keep going. I also took Herbalism. I love flowerpickin!

Now I head to Auberdine, catch a boat to Stormwind and time for a new doo for the achievement:

Now First Aid needs to be worked on you never know when you might need a bandaid :)

Now take the tram to Ironforge and head out to the Northgate Pass to tame my bear!

Her Majesty

That is the bear I tamed near Ironforge. Mangeclaw, it used to be a level 10 but now is level 11. I was disappointed when I got there, luckily I only had a few bubbles to go to level 11. I just killed pigs and dinged and tamed. I named her, Her Majesty because she just is!
Then on to Westfall an quest. I have to have the Chicken pet. She looks so dorky doing that:

After Westfall, I head to Darnassus and do all the low level quests for rep so I can buy a Cat mount. I can get the "Going Down" achievement in Shadowglen. It is the easiest place I know to get it. I do it on all my toons!

Then I finish up there and head to Auberdine and start my questing there. That is where we are now, hanging in the inn in Auberdine.
I am all of level 17. The plan, to play tonight and tomorrow as much as I can. New classes start on Monday. "Research Writing" and "Psychology:Why we do what we do". Sounds interesting huh?
My friends have made new toons on a different realm. You know me, I am all over that! I made a new Cabriella. She is a Draenei Hunter. No Night Elf this time. I am kind of tired of the Night Elves. My friends Sinnadyn and Lethalor both made warriors. Sinnadyn made a Dwarf and Leth made a Draenei. These new toons are on the PVP realm of Arthas. This will be interesting. I have never played very far on a PVP realm. I hear ya have to watch your back.
My friend Sinnadyn started his toon first, so he lends me some cash to get started. Thank you Sinny, you are the best!
Cabriella is cute. She made it through the starter quests on Azuremyst or at the crash site rather. Here she is:

Yeh, I know, she is in Auberdine. That is the most recent picture of her. I didn't take a starter pic of her. :(
Anyway, she quested alone trying to get to level 10 to get the pet. I already knew I wanted a bear. I hear there is a Spirit Bear coming in Cataclysm. I want to be ready!
The quests in Azuremyst are quite different. I can't say I like that area much. This quest has to be my favorite. It is called the Totem of Coo I think. You get wings to fly:

I must say, Blizzard has certainly made the beginning levels easy. There are all kinds of things that pop up now to tell you what to do next. Little mini boxes that explain a lot of things that were not there when I first started this game. It is great. The starter areas have all been changed to yellow so nothing there attacks you anymore. It is great! Just what an altoholic loves. :)
Cabbie hits level 10. Yay! I can learn to tame pets now!

So Cabbie heads off to Exodar. She has to go talk to Kella Nightbow about how to tame a pet.
First tame a crawler:

Then a Strider:

Lastly a Cat:

Now, I know how to tame pets. Before I can tame the one I want, I have to learn to fish so I can feed it. I am not buying its food. And if I am going to fish I have to be able to cook. Buff food later on is the way to go!

Then I get to Journeyman Fisherman: I wanted to get this level in fishing so I can do the fishing quests in Auberdine because I plan to go there to quest after I do some of Westfall.

Cabbie also learns a couple pets that were waiting in the mail when I got to Exodar. I bought the Collector's Editon of the Wrath of the Lich King and I get a Frosty pet on all new toons!

Learning the Journeyman on some skills that I will need. The skinning will provide me with some cash to keep going. I also took Herbalism. I love flowerpickin!

Now I head to Auberdine, catch a boat to Stormwind and time for a new doo for the achievement:

Now First Aid needs to be worked on you never know when you might need a bandaid :)

Now take the tram to Ironforge and head out to the Northgate Pass to tame my bear!

Her Majesty

That is the bear I tamed near Ironforge. Mangeclaw, it used to be a level 10 but now is level 11. I was disappointed when I got there, luckily I only had a few bubbles to go to level 11. I just killed pigs and dinged and tamed. I named her, Her Majesty because she just is!
Then on to Westfall an quest. I have to have the Chicken pet. She looks so dorky doing that:

After Westfall, I head to Darnassus and do all the low level quests for rep so I can buy a Cat mount. I can get the "Going Down" achievement in Shadowglen. It is the easiest place I know to get it. I do it on all my toons!

Then I finish up there and head to Auberdine and start my questing there. That is where we are now, hanging in the inn in Auberdine.
I am all of level 17. The plan, to play tonight and tomorrow as much as I can. New classes start on Monday. "Research Writing" and "Psychology:Why we do what we do". Sounds interesting huh?
leveling alts,
leveling with friends,
pvp realm,
Saturday, January 2, 2010
New Year's Resolutions
1 Study hard.
2 Make more game time.
3 Level my alts... lol well that may take all year!
4 Keep family close.
5 Watch more NCIS, and Law & Order SVU. These are my new favorite shows!
6 Did I say more game time? yeh!
2 Make more game time.
3 Level my alts... lol well that may take all year!
4 Keep family close.
5 Watch more NCIS, and Law & Order SVU. These are my new favorite shows!
6 Did I say more game time? yeh!
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