The hustle and bustle is over. Time now to relax and get ready to get back to my studies next week. Christmas was great. It is always fun to spend time with the family.
I got a new desk for my desktop computer. I love it. It has shelves and a drawer and my computer fits on it perfectly. I have not been on the game much at all. I have been enjoying the holidays.
I have been rearranging my furniture and doing some heavy cleaning. I finally got it all done and am ready for the winter. I will do it again come spring. I found some vanilla scented plug ins and now my house smells like vanilla.
All the Christmas decorations have been tucked away until next year. All in all it was a great holiday.
I hope to find some time, before school starts back, to play my game. I want to finish leveling some of my alts to level 80. Well, here's hoping.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Christmas break is finally here. I have two whole weeks of no school to rest my weary brain. I won't do it though. I have two projects due the week I go back; although I have started on them, I will finish them over the holidays.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May all your wishes come true. I am thankful for my friends and family. I apologize to any I have wronged in the past, regardless of my reasons at the time. If you feel I have wronged you, then I am sorry.
I plan to play the game while on vacation. I am excited to get some playtime in. I will be leveling on Vek'nilash. I have a new hunter named Ariandri and a priest named Januarie. I am multiboxing these two young ladies for the triple xp from the refer a friend. I get triple xp for kills, quests and reputation. It is different. Lol.
Christmas at my house on Christmas day. Chicken pastry, honey baked ham, collards, yams, and more(yum). I didn't want turkey again. So something different is on tap with the pastry. Maybe I won't have days of leftovers! Kelly and I can only eat so much!
Well, I am off to play a bit. Here's to getting all you want for Christmas. Sometimes a phone call or email will suffice to make someone's holiday special. Call or write someone you love today. If you don't tell them they may never know. They can't read your mind!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, thank you for reading.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May all your wishes come true. I am thankful for my friends and family. I apologize to any I have wronged in the past, regardless of my reasons at the time. If you feel I have wronged you, then I am sorry.
I plan to play the game while on vacation. I am excited to get some playtime in. I will be leveling on Vek'nilash. I have a new hunter named Ariandri and a priest named Januarie. I am multiboxing these two young ladies for the triple xp from the refer a friend. I get triple xp for kills, quests and reputation. It is different. Lol.
Christmas at my house on Christmas day. Chicken pastry, honey baked ham, collards, yams, and more(yum). I didn't want turkey again. So something different is on tap with the pastry. Maybe I won't have days of leftovers! Kelly and I can only eat so much!
Well, I am off to play a bit. Here's to getting all you want for Christmas. Sometimes a phone call or email will suffice to make someone's holiday special. Call or write someone you love today. If you don't tell them they may never know. They can't read your mind!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, thank you for reading.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Not Enough Time To Play The Game
School is taking up most of my time now. I have a lot of work to do and I want to keep my good grades so no play time for me :( Even though it is taking a lot of hard work, I still love it. I want to keep my A's and am working hard to that effect. It is still awesome and I don't mind the hard work. However, assignments that cause my head to hurt really suck! LOL
Game time... yeh I have played some. I am leveling a hunter on Vek'nilash. She is level 28 and doing well. When the expansion comes out, I plan to level a Worgen Hunter. Shapeshifting might not be all that, but I like the fact that before shapeshifting the worgen look like humans. I wanted a human hunter when my hubby first gave me the game. (Yeh, I know, he isn't my hubby anymore, but I guess he always will be to me)
Christmas is coming fast. I have been cooking and freezing collards for the winter. (Yum) All the decorating is done, the family is coming for Chicken Pastry on Christmas day and all is well in the land of me! I don't think I can stand another week of left over turkey, ham and such so, chicken pastry is on the menu for Christmas.
I headed over to Meadow to see the lights ( As always, it was beautiful. I stopped at the little candy store and bought some candy. Santa was there. Kelly had fun looking at the lights and she liked the train. She doesn't care too much for Santa. haha
Looks like I have some time for gaming this morning so I guess I am off to the land of WOW for some relaxing fun!
Game time... yeh I have played some. I am leveling a hunter on Vek'nilash. She is level 28 and doing well. When the expansion comes out, I plan to level a Worgen Hunter. Shapeshifting might not be all that, but I like the fact that before shapeshifting the worgen look like humans. I wanted a human hunter when my hubby first gave me the game. (Yeh, I know, he isn't my hubby anymore, but I guess he always will be to me)
Christmas is coming fast. I have been cooking and freezing collards for the winter. (Yum) All the decorating is done, the family is coming for Chicken Pastry on Christmas day and all is well in the land of me! I don't think I can stand another week of left over turkey, ham and such so, chicken pastry is on the menu for Christmas.
I headed over to Meadow to see the lights ( As always, it was beautiful. I stopped at the little candy store and bought some candy. Santa was there. Kelly had fun looking at the lights and she liked the train. She doesn't care too much for Santa. haha
Looks like I have some time for gaming this morning so I guess I am off to the land of WOW for some relaxing fun!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thanksgiving: A Time For Family
Thanksgiving is almost here. I am cooking Thursday and my family is coming to eat. My kids, my mom, my grandmother and my uncle are all coming. I can't wait; it will be so much fun.
I have a 4.0 grade point average in my classes. I have the end of this week off for Thanksgiving and am off again at Christmas. I can't wait.
In the game, my daughter and I are leveling some new toons on a new realm. A friend of ours started a new toon on Vek'nilash and we followed to level there as well. As if I don't have enough toons as it is! It doesn't matter one bit, as long as my friends are having fun. I love anything going on in the game so it doesn't matter what I am doing.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and thank you to those that emailed me holiday wishes. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving day.
I have a 4.0 grade point average in my classes. I have the end of this week off for Thanksgiving and am off again at Christmas. I can't wait.
In the game, my daughter and I are leveling some new toons on a new realm. A friend of ours started a new toon on Vek'nilash and we followed to level there as well. As if I don't have enough toons as it is! It doesn't matter one bit, as long as my friends are having fun. I love anything going on in the game so it doesn't matter what I am doing.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and thank you to those that emailed me holiday wishes. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving day.
leveling alts,
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Of Headless Horsmen and other things...
I have been playing the game a little more than before. I am playing more on the Kirin Tor realm instead of Nazgrel. I am leveling some of my alts. I started leveling my paladin (Cayelia). She was level 59 and is now level 63. My daughter is leveling her priest (Priestleigh). She mentioned that she wanted to level our Death Knights on Kirin Tor. The DK I was leveling earlier is on Nazgrel. We decided to level my DK (Tinette) with her priest and her DK (Elvira) with my paladin. My DK is level 60 her priest is level 62. Her DK is level 59 my paladin is level 63. I think it will work out pretty well with this combo.
I am still doing the school thing. I have straight A's in my classes. Guess I am not so stupid after all. :) When I am done, I will have a degree and will be able to find a decent paying job. I am finding I am enjoying school very much. It feels good to my brain to work hard and grow, even after all these years. My daughter is taking Criminal Justice and she is also making straight A's. I am very proud of her.
My camping time is over for this year. We had to close up and winterize the camper for the winter. I love going up there. It is so peaceful and beautiful. I cannot wait until May to go back.
Thanksgiving is soon upon us and I have much to be thankful for. I have love-from my family. I have health. I am happy. Christmas will also be here soon. I have winter break from school from 12/21 until 1/4. I see more game time in my future!
I do not know when the expansion will come out. There are going to be some major changes in the game when it does. I hope it is not too drastic, but I think with the starting areas being torn asunder it will be. It will be like playing a new game entirely though, and that could be nice.
I want to get my alts leveled and will be working on that as much as possible.
Camaryn has had her name changed back to Cabriella. It is just a pretty name and I like it. She has been camping out in the Scarlet Monastery and running Headless Horseman runs every night. We have a good, solid group to run it with. Once in a while, we have to find a fill in for someone who could not make it that night. So far, it has been fun. Cabriella has only run this once last year and we died doing it. This year we have done well.
I hope to get our guild into more dungeons later this coming year. She needs some gear. I hate dungeons but am slowly getting more comfortable running them. Our guild is great and works well together. I look forward to them clearing all that we can in the upcoming year!
I am still doing the school thing. I have straight A's in my classes. Guess I am not so stupid after all. :) When I am done, I will have a degree and will be able to find a decent paying job. I am finding I am enjoying school very much. It feels good to my brain to work hard and grow, even after all these years. My daughter is taking Criminal Justice and she is also making straight A's. I am very proud of her.
My camping time is over for this year. We had to close up and winterize the camper for the winter. I love going up there. It is so peaceful and beautiful. I cannot wait until May to go back.
Thanksgiving is soon upon us and I have much to be thankful for. I have love-from my family. I have health. I am happy. Christmas will also be here soon. I have winter break from school from 12/21 until 1/4. I see more game time in my future!
I do not know when the expansion will come out. There are going to be some major changes in the game when it does. I hope it is not too drastic, but I think with the starting areas being torn asunder it will be. It will be like playing a new game entirely though, and that could be nice.
I want to get my alts leveled and will be working on that as much as possible.
Camaryn has had her name changed back to Cabriella. It is just a pretty name and I like it. She has been camping out in the Scarlet Monastery and running Headless Horseman runs every night. We have a good, solid group to run it with. Once in a while, we have to find a fill in for someone who could not make it that night. So far, it has been fun. Cabriella has only run this once last year and we died doing it. This year we have done well.
I hope to get our guild into more dungeons later this coming year. She needs some gear. I hate dungeons but am slowly getting more comfortable running them. Our guild is great and works well together. I look forward to them clearing all that we can in the upcoming year!
death knight,
grades and gaming,
Kirin Tor,
leveling alts,
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Not Much Game Time
With school keeping me busy, I am not having much time to play. I don't mind, I just miss it. I have been on the game long enough to do some brewfest things and got my little pink elekk pet.
School is still going great. I still have 100% in all my classes so that is a good thing. It really isn't as hard as I expected. Yay! Unfortunately, I have another big project due so I have been busy on that.
I got my hair cut today. REALLY short. I love it! It feels so good. I am putting a new picture up.
Hopefully some this week I will get to play more. I hear the new expansion may be coming out quicker than we expected. I don't know if I am excited about that or not. Destroying Azeroth to add new stuff and changing the starter areas will make for a totally new game all the way around but, I am not sure I like that idea. I like the old world like it is. I have been taking alot of screenshots to compare areas after the destruction is complete. So, we will see.
School is still going great. I still have 100% in all my classes so that is a good thing. It really isn't as hard as I expected. Yay! Unfortunately, I have another big project due so I have been busy on that.
I got my hair cut today. REALLY short. I love it! It feels so good. I am putting a new picture up.
Hopefully some this week I will get to play more. I hear the new expansion may be coming out quicker than we expected. I don't know if I am excited about that or not. Destroying Azeroth to add new stuff and changing the starter areas will make for a totally new game all the way around but, I am not sure I like that idea. I like the old world like it is. I have been taking alot of screenshots to compare areas after the destruction is complete. So, we will see.
Monday, September 21, 2009
I signed onto the game on Sunday for the first time in over a week. I participated in the Brewfest activities. I am not a drinking person myself; to run around with those goggles on your head that simulate being inebriated was funny. I did the wolpertinger quest and got my little wolpertinger pet. I have to do a few more quests to get enough tickets to get the little pink elekk. It's too funny to see the little pink elephant looking things running around when you have had too much to drink. What you can do in this game, at any time, still amazes me.
School has kept me busy the last week. I had a major assignment due this past week and spent my time working on that and making sure everything was just right. I still have 100% in both of my classes and I do not want that to change. I am loving school more every day. It is the challenge that I have been needing for some time now. I was afraid my age would keep me from actually liking school again, but I am not finding that at all. It is great! I am thinking that going on to my Bachelor's degree and then my Master's might not be as bad as I suspected at first. Time permitting and life as well, I see a Doctorate in my future. :) My teachers think I have chosen the perfect course of learning for myself. So that at least is a plus. I have a lot of time and I can spend it learning if nothing else!
I need to level my girls some more on the game but as long as school keeps me busy, the game will take second place to that. I am not complaining at all. I really am having fun... so far. :)
School has kept me busy the last week. I had a major assignment due this past week and spent my time working on that and making sure everything was just right. I still have 100% in both of my classes and I do not want that to change. I am loving school more every day. It is the challenge that I have been needing for some time now. I was afraid my age would keep me from actually liking school again, but I am not finding that at all. It is great! I am thinking that going on to my Bachelor's degree and then my Master's might not be as bad as I suspected at first. Time permitting and life as well, I see a Doctorate in my future. :) My teachers think I have chosen the perfect course of learning for myself. So that at least is a plus. I have a lot of time and I can spend it learning if nothing else!
I need to level my girls some more on the game but as long as school keeps me busy, the game will take second place to that. I am not complaining at all. I really am having fun... so far. :)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
More Adventures In The Game
I have gotten my death knight almost to level 71. I haven't played her that much this past week. I have been playing and leveling a new Cabriella. Instead of moving over Camaryn from Kirin Tor, I decided to start over with a new baby night elf hunter and do with her from the beginning what I didn't do with the original Cabriella. I will not be leveling enchanting that is for certain. I am also leveling a baby gnome mage along with her named Tikatee. They currently reside in the inn in Stormwind and are both at level 28. It is really fun and I am taking lots of screenshots to preserve the memories of leveling in Azeroth now as opposed to when the destructiveness of Cataclysm hits and destroys all the lands as we now know them.
I will be making a human hunter and a worgen hunter when they become available. I am in no hurry though. I may even try the goblin race on the horde side. I do not plan to do any faction changes at the moment. I may do a race change when that comes available. Not sure on whom :)
School is going great. I have 100% in all my classes for the last two weeks. I am going into my third week this week. It is really something I am enjoying.
Last night I played on Nazgrel with Sinnadyn. He played his druid (Layzerface) and I played another toon I am leveling Farrah (Draenei Hunter). We played around Astranaar for a couple hours and I gained almost two whole levels. She is now almost level 26. It was most enjoyable.
I have become the proud owner of a guild. I was on Cabriella leveling and someone invited her to their guild. I said sure why not. As soon as I joined I was promoted to guild master and the dude left the guild after saying C-Ya. I had to laugh and then I got to work on seeing what was what with that guild. I have about 9 members that haven't been on in nine months and they were immediately demoted to starter ranks. I opened a guild bank tab and ran some dungeons to fill it and opened a second one and it is now almost filled. I put all my alts in the guild, my daughters alts in the guild and some of my old guildies alts are now in the guild. It's like coming home. The guild name is Crafted Heros. We have a bright purple tabard. It's great! And it isn't a bad name really. Lol :) So once again, Cabriella's Corner now has a Cabriella toon that it can once again stand for. Grats to myself on moving on and letting bygones be bygones. I am a happy little night elf! :P
I will be making a human hunter and a worgen hunter when they become available. I am in no hurry though. I may even try the goblin race on the horde side. I do not plan to do any faction changes at the moment. I may do a race change when that comes available. Not sure on whom :)
School is going great. I have 100% in all my classes for the last two weeks. I am going into my third week this week. It is really something I am enjoying.
Last night I played on Nazgrel with Sinnadyn. He played his druid (Layzerface) and I played another toon I am leveling Farrah (Draenei Hunter). We played around Astranaar for a couple hours and I gained almost two whole levels. She is now almost level 26. It was most enjoyable.
I have become the proud owner of a guild. I was on Cabriella leveling and someone invited her to their guild. I said sure why not. As soon as I joined I was promoted to guild master and the dude left the guild after saying C-Ya. I had to laugh and then I got to work on seeing what was what with that guild. I have about 9 members that haven't been on in nine months and they were immediately demoted to starter ranks. I opened a guild bank tab and ran some dungeons to fill it and opened a second one and it is now almost filled. I put all my alts in the guild, my daughters alts in the guild and some of my old guildies alts are now in the guild. It's like coming home. The guild name is Crafted Heros. We have a bright purple tabard. It's great! And it isn't a bad name really. Lol :) So once again, Cabriella's Corner now has a Cabriella toon that it can once again stand for. Grats to myself on moving on and letting bygones be bygones. I am a happy little night elf! :P
Monday, August 31, 2009
School and Gaming
Well, my first week of school is over and I am now starting into my second week. Grades came out today for last week. I have 100% on all my grades in all my classes. I am so happy. I was hoping game time wouldn't impact school to the point I couldn't play much. I am happy to say that didn't happen and I did really well.
In the game, I got my Death Knight to level 70. She went to Northrend and quested in Valiance Keep, a couple other places, also the airstrip area(which I hate) and has now been parked in the inn waiting to go to Amber Ledge. I am finding I love playing her and that is saying alot. I didn't think I would ever like playing a Death Knight this much. I still love my hunter and mage though, so no plans to make her my main.
Off to do the homework thing and then to bed for early classes tomorrow.
In the game, I got my Death Knight to level 70. She went to Northrend and quested in Valiance Keep, a couple other places, also the airstrip area(which I hate) and has now been parked in the inn waiting to go to Amber Ledge. I am finding I love playing her and that is saying alot. I didn't think I would ever like playing a Death Knight this much. I still love my hunter and mage though, so no plans to make her my main.
Off to do the homework thing and then to bed for early classes tomorrow.
death knight,
grades and gaming,
level 70,
leveling my alt
Thursday, August 27, 2009
First Week of School
This has been my first week of school and it has been absolutely great. I never imagined I could like school as an adult as much as I did while I was a child. In less than 20 months I will have my Associate's degree in Psychology.
In the game, I am leveling my Death Knight. Her name is Cayelia. She is already level 66 and questing in Nagrand. I respecced her Blood and found a good rotation and she never loses much life, unless I pull too many mobs that is. One on one she is great. I am loving playing her alot more now than I did before. I even made enough gold to purchase her flying mount. Camaryn, my main is on a different realm and I didn't have her funding to buy the mount. I had to earn it on my own. Camaryn is on the realm Kirin Tor and my friends are wanting me to move her back to Nazgrel and join their raiding guild. I am not a raider. I am not sure how I would do in a raiding guild. I love my alts too much. It was sweet of them to even ask the guild to let me in and I promised them I would think about it. If I move her back, I am renaming her back to Cabriella. I changed her name when I moved her to the other realm but am now ready to go back to the name she originally started with. It was personal reasons that I changed her name but those reasons no longer matter anymore. Let's just say I got over it and am moving on.
In the game, I am leveling my Death Knight. Her name is Cayelia. She is already level 66 and questing in Nagrand. I respecced her Blood and found a good rotation and she never loses much life, unless I pull too many mobs that is. One on one she is great. I am loving playing her alot more now than I did before. I even made enough gold to purchase her flying mount. Camaryn, my main is on a different realm and I didn't have her funding to buy the mount. I had to earn it on my own. Camaryn is on the realm Kirin Tor and my friends are wanting me to move her back to Nazgrel and join their raiding guild. I am not a raider. I am not sure how I would do in a raiding guild. I love my alts too much. It was sweet of them to even ask the guild to let me in and I promised them I would think about it. If I move her back, I am renaming her back to Cabriella. I changed her name when I moved her to the other realm but am now ready to go back to the name she originally started with. It was personal reasons that I changed her name but those reasons no longer matter anymore. Let's just say I got over it and am moving on.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Well I have done it now....
I enrolled in college full time. I am excited about this move in my life. I will have an Associate of Arts in Psychology degree in about 20 months and then it will be on to my Bachelors degree. I start classes August 24, 2009. I also got my hair cut even shorter and also changed it to strawberry blonde in color. I love the cut, but am not crazy about the color.
As for Wow, I have been leveling some of my alts a bit and trying to get rid of some of those low level ones that I have strewn across many realms. I do not know how I got so many. I need to level my mage on up to level 80. She is currently at level 65.
I also have to work on her tailoring and on Camaryn's enchanting. Both are high in level on their professions but not maxed out.
I am trying to find time to play more and now with school I will have to get myself a routine going. I think it will be worth it :)
As for Wow, I have been leveling some of my alts a bit and trying to get rid of some of those low level ones that I have strewn across many realms. I do not know how I got so many. I need to level my mage on up to level 80. She is currently at level 65.
I also have to work on her tailoring and on Camaryn's enchanting. Both are high in level on their professions but not maxed out.
I am trying to find time to play more and now with school I will have to get myself a routine going. I think it will be worth it :)
Monday, July 13, 2009
A Very Happy Birthday...
Today is my birthday. I am 47 years old. I am spending it with my grandsons. Family is very important to me. I promised my grandsons they could come spend the summer with me when they got out of school for their summer vacation. They had been looking forward to it since I got my own place way back when. I had told them I had to have my own place first since my daughter didn't have room at her place when I stayed there. We have been having alot of fun.
As for the game, I have played some, but not as much as I would like, since the kids have been here. I did manage to get my son interested and he has downloaded and installed the game and is in the process of creating a character. I see more game time in my future as I introduce Azeroth to him and his wife. I can't wait.
I have been playing my mage again and also playing my death knight. I love my mage, she is arcane specced and has been since I first started playing her. My death knight... is just ok to play. It isn't really hard to play her and I think maybe the melee kind of fighting isn't the best style of play for me. I love my hunter and my pet tanking is awesome. I miss that on my mage, but I love playing her anyway. I tried a warrior once and it wasn't for me. I also have a level 59 pally but like the death knight... I just can't seem to get it. I have struggled through the levels...But, I will keep trying and hopefully I will get an understanding for this playstyle. Or well, here's hoping.
I have alot of alts. I like playing them in the early stages, the leveling to me is addicting. I don't mind the same quests over and over. I actually like it because I know exactly where to go and what to do. I have too many alts though to fully get a good understanding on how to play them as well as I do my hunter. Since my hunter is level 80, I plan to take each alt to that level and maybe doing so one at the time, I will better understand that class. Playing this alt then that alt does not help the situation at all. So maybe this new game plan will work out for me. Again... here's hoping :)
I have not been updating my blog much lately but will try to do that more often with more playtime. I am looking forward to it actually. I have a nine day vacation coming up here soon and after that... game time is on!!!
As for the game, I have played some, but not as much as I would like, since the kids have been here. I did manage to get my son interested and he has downloaded and installed the game and is in the process of creating a character. I see more game time in my future as I introduce Azeroth to him and his wife. I can't wait.
I have been playing my mage again and also playing my death knight. I love my mage, she is arcane specced and has been since I first started playing her. My death knight... is just ok to play. It isn't really hard to play her and I think maybe the melee kind of fighting isn't the best style of play for me. I love my hunter and my pet tanking is awesome. I miss that on my mage, but I love playing her anyway. I tried a warrior once and it wasn't for me. I also have a level 59 pally but like the death knight... I just can't seem to get it. I have struggled through the levels...But, I will keep trying and hopefully I will get an understanding for this playstyle. Or well, here's hoping.
I have alot of alts. I like playing them in the early stages, the leveling to me is addicting. I don't mind the same quests over and over. I actually like it because I know exactly where to go and what to do. I have too many alts though to fully get a good understanding on how to play them as well as I do my hunter. Since my hunter is level 80, I plan to take each alt to that level and maybe doing so one at the time, I will better understand that class. Playing this alt then that alt does not help the situation at all. So maybe this new game plan will work out for me. Again... here's hoping :)
I have not been updating my blog much lately but will try to do that more often with more playtime. I am looking forward to it actually. I have a nine day vacation coming up here soon and after that... game time is on!!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Being A Parent Of A Disabled Child
Means that I have a job, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
So don't tell me to go to work and things would get better.
How dare you!
Who is going to take care of her while I work? Do you know anyone that is capable and trustworthy enough? I won't leave her with just anyone. She is my heart and soul and if something happened to her and knowing she can't tell me, I would just die, literally!
Walk a mile in my shoes buddy and lets just see how far you make it.
If God blessed you with a normal child, then I am happy for you.
I have a handicapped child and she requires my full time attention.
Come back and talk to me when you have tended a handicapped child for 20 years.
Changing diapers several times a day. Bathing, feeding, cleaning up the vomit when she is sick, trying to figure out what is wrong when she is upset and can't tell. If your child can't speak to you and can't tell you what is wrong, yeh, good luck with that one.
And let's not even get into dating, or relationships for the parent of the handicapped child.
You are embarrassed to be seen with us in public so you walk 20 feet ahead and pretend you don't know us? way to win points in the heart of that mom! NOT!!!
Staying home, its the normal thing for me. I don't go out, I don't run many errands. It takes me at home to keep my daughter safe and happy. I am told by those that are ignorant, that I don't have a life... but, I do and my daughter is it! Thank God for giving her to me and not you all. If you think having a life means going out, having fun by going out, and whatever it is you are used to doing when you GO OUT! I don't go out and I don't miss not being able to go out. I have my daughter and I think I am lucky to have been chosen to be her caretaker on this earth. I will do my best until she is with the lord. She is his child first.
My biggest fear... what will happen to her when I am gone? I am 46 years old, she is 20. Should something happen to me and one day it will.. what will become of her. How do I prepare for that?
Making ends meet is hard... It is just me and her. We live off her disability. It is by no means enough but we make do. I don't have insurance so I don't get to go to the doctor. She has insurance with her disablitly and I make sure she is taken care of medically and has all that she needs. Finding a doctor, dentist, or other medical giver for her is the challenge... We are sorry miss but, we do not have the training to handle your kind of child.. urrrgh. /facepalm
I am not asking you to change your opinion of me. I am asking you to think before you speak and put yourself in my place and then make an educated decision as to what you would do were you in my place. It is harder than you think to even get that far... now what if it was real life for you?
So don't tell me to go to work and things would get better.
How dare you!
Who is going to take care of her while I work? Do you know anyone that is capable and trustworthy enough? I won't leave her with just anyone. She is my heart and soul and if something happened to her and knowing she can't tell me, I would just die, literally!
Walk a mile in my shoes buddy and lets just see how far you make it.
If God blessed you with a normal child, then I am happy for you.
I have a handicapped child and she requires my full time attention.
Come back and talk to me when you have tended a handicapped child for 20 years.
Changing diapers several times a day. Bathing, feeding, cleaning up the vomit when she is sick, trying to figure out what is wrong when she is upset and can't tell. If your child can't speak to you and can't tell you what is wrong, yeh, good luck with that one.
And let's not even get into dating, or relationships for the parent of the handicapped child.
You are embarrassed to be seen with us in public so you walk 20 feet ahead and pretend you don't know us? way to win points in the heart of that mom! NOT!!!
Staying home, its the normal thing for me. I don't go out, I don't run many errands. It takes me at home to keep my daughter safe and happy. I am told by those that are ignorant, that I don't have a life... but, I do and my daughter is it! Thank God for giving her to me and not you all. If you think having a life means going out, having fun by going out, and whatever it is you are used to doing when you GO OUT! I don't go out and I don't miss not being able to go out. I have my daughter and I think I am lucky to have been chosen to be her caretaker on this earth. I will do my best until she is with the lord. She is his child first.
My biggest fear... what will happen to her when I am gone? I am 46 years old, she is 20. Should something happen to me and one day it will.. what will become of her. How do I prepare for that?
Making ends meet is hard... It is just me and her. We live off her disability. It is by no means enough but we make do. I don't have insurance so I don't get to go to the doctor. She has insurance with her disablitly and I make sure she is taken care of medically and has all that she needs. Finding a doctor, dentist, or other medical giver for her is the challenge... We are sorry miss but, we do not have the training to handle your kind of child.. urrrgh. /facepalm
I am not asking you to change your opinion of me. I am asking you to think before you speak and put yourself in my place and then make an educated decision as to what you would do were you in my place. It is harder than you think to even get that far... now what if it was real life for you?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Camaryn and Level 80
Camaryn has hit level 80 and has been going into some older dungeons. She has joined a new guild called "Over The Hill Crew". It is a really great guild and the people are just awesome. She is doing dailies now and making her little nest egg. She learned her cold weather flying and that is a really big help. Not much else going on, working on some alts and other things.
My old guildies from the Nazgrel server have transferred over to my new realm and so we still get to play together. Such wonderful friends. Some of them have put their mains into a raiding guild and just brought their alts over to play. I can't do the raiding thing. It isn't my game.
Life is good. The grandbaby is growing like a weed. Pulling to stand and walking around the furniture and babbling words. I have been camping on the weekends in the mountains. I love it up there and with no one at home to answer to, I can go and stay as long as I like. I plan to stay longer than just weekends this summer. Kelly likes it up there too, so I see more camping in our future. Who knew being single with no man in my life could actually be fun. I haven't dated anyone since I split from my husband and that has been almost 9 months now. I have to say, I am just enjoying life for myself right now and all is good :)
My old guildies from the Nazgrel server have transferred over to my new realm and so we still get to play together. Such wonderful friends. Some of them have put their mains into a raiding guild and just brought their alts over to play. I can't do the raiding thing. It isn't my game.
Life is good. The grandbaby is growing like a weed. Pulling to stand and walking around the furniture and babbling words. I have been camping on the weekends in the mountains. I love it up there and with no one at home to answer to, I can go and stay as long as I like. I plan to stay longer than just weekends this summer. Kelly likes it up there too, so I see more camping in our future. Who knew being single with no man in my life could actually be fun. I haven't dated anyone since I split from my husband and that has been almost 9 months now. I have to say, I am just enjoying life for myself right now and all is good :)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Twinks & A New Game
You met Tessia, my twink hunter. She is doing well in the battlegrounds and getting loads of achievements. She does really well there and it's a fun game. My daughter formed a twink guild and named it "Got Twinks". She started it up about a month ago and it has grown to 80 members already. Who knew so many people on Kirin'Tor realm (a roleplaying realm at that) loved to twink their toons. We have a great group, that is on most nights, and go in as a premade and do really well. It is loads of fun.
In other things, Cabriella has switched to the Kirin'Tor realm as well. I didn't play her much on Nazgrel and needed her enchanting skills for the twinks so away she went to the new home. She also got a name change. She is now Camaryn. (No plans at this point to change the blog name) She still has not leveled to 80 but that may come later. Right now, to make it up to my guildies on Nazgrel, I rolled a Night Elf Druid. They needed a healer and it was decided that a Druid would be the best. I created Flowerchyld and have been leveling her with the help of my guildies. She is currently at level 35. It is a totally different game from playing a hunter but I really like her alot. I hope I can make a good healer for my guildies. They have gotten into doing endgame content and dungeons that I have never really been fond of, but I hope that as a healer, I will come to enjoy them more. That remains to be seen though.
All in all, life is good. I really can't complain.
In other things, Cabriella has switched to the Kirin'Tor realm as well. I didn't play her much on Nazgrel and needed her enchanting skills for the twinks so away she went to the new home. She also got a name change. She is now Camaryn. (No plans at this point to change the blog name) She still has not leveled to 80 but that may come later. Right now, to make it up to my guildies on Nazgrel, I rolled a Night Elf Druid. They needed a healer and it was decided that a Druid would be the best. I created Flowerchyld and have been leveling her with the help of my guildies. She is currently at level 35. It is a totally different game from playing a hunter but I really like her alot. I hope I can make a good healer for my guildies. They have gotten into doing endgame content and dungeons that I have never really been fond of, but I hope that as a healer, I will come to enjoy them more. That remains to be seen though.
All in all, life is good. I really can't complain.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Happy Times
The mini vacation was wonderful. The resort we stayed at was outstanding. One of the best I have ever had to pleasure to stay at. It was HUGE! It had 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, almost like a home. Beachfront was nice. It was cold out but I don't swim anyway and the pools were heated so no problem with pool swimming at all.
The Resort:

The Beach:

The Pools and Hottubs:

At Night:

Some of My Family:
After all it was a family thing to begin with... hahaha

For those that asked for the new haircut picture, Here ya go...
The Resort:

The Beach:

The Pools and Hottubs:

At Night:

Some of My Family:
After all it was a family thing to begin with... hahaha

For those that asked for the new haircut picture, Here ya go...
Monday, February 9, 2009
A New Look
So I did it. I went and got my hair cut. I wasn't sure what I wanted but the lady was very nice and together we picked out a hairstyle that I really like. She measured my locks after she cut them and she had cut off 16 inches of my hair! It is short but still at my shoulders. I love it! It feels great.
I have plans this weekend. I am headed to the beach. I have been invited to go and stay for a few days at a really nice resort at Myrtle Beach, SC. I couldn't say no! I leave Friday and come back on Sunday. I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend and having alot of fun.
I have been playing some on the game, and have made a couple twinks. My hunter, you have met already. A mage, and a paladin. I plan to twink them out and run some battlegrounds. I have not leveled my main Cabriella at all. I seem to not want to play her much anymore. I think a name change for her is in order. That might make me like her again at least I hope so. She was named for my ex-hubby and I don't need to remember that stuff anymore. She needs to go out in the new content and explore and get herself to level 80. My guild thinks I have deserted them and I can only hope they understand that I am avoiding playing Cabriella for some reason and I need to work through it on my own. Like I said, I think a name change might help. So that is my next move. Now, what to call her. :) and what will I do about this blog? I do have a few readers who visit here daily and I guess I could make a new one and post a link here... will you follow me to a new home? I guess we will find out soon enough.
I have plans this weekend. I am headed to the beach. I have been invited to go and stay for a few days at a really nice resort at Myrtle Beach, SC. I couldn't say no! I leave Friday and come back on Sunday. I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend and having alot of fun.
I have been playing some on the game, and have made a couple twinks. My hunter, you have met already. A mage, and a paladin. I plan to twink them out and run some battlegrounds. I have not leveled my main Cabriella at all. I seem to not want to play her much anymore. I think a name change for her is in order. That might make me like her again at least I hope so. She was named for my ex-hubby and I don't need to remember that stuff anymore. She needs to go out in the new content and explore and get herself to level 80. My guild thinks I have deserted them and I can only hope they understand that I am avoiding playing Cabriella for some reason and I need to work through it on my own. Like I said, I think a name change might help. So that is my next move. Now, what to call her. :) and what will I do about this blog? I do have a few readers who visit here daily and I guess I could make a new one and post a link here... will you follow me to a new home? I guess we will find out soon enough.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
More time to play so....Welcome Tessia and Cinnabar

Tessia is my hunter twink. She was created to stay in the battleground. She can only go into Warsong Gulch because of her age but she really does well there. She went in first at level 13 and didn't do too bad, even against the twinks who like the babies and kill them first!
At level 13 she isn't the top of the charts but she isn't on the bottom either!

At level 10, I took her all the way through the Plaguelands into Ghostlands and up to Silvermoon to get the dragonhawk pet. Wow, what a trip and sooo worth it.
I ran her through wailing caverns for the Armor of the Fang set, Venomstrike bow and a few other dungeons for some other gear and now at level 19 she is doing great.
A big difference a few levels make!

She resides on a roleplaying realm. I do not roleplay. But, I have met some nice folks there Barik - my favorite paladin and Aegiria - the sweetest warlock ever!
kirin tor realm,
leveling alts,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A Few More Snow Pictures
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
More Snow Pictures
I Can Haz Snow?
I have been waiting for some snow for a while now. All my friends up north have talked about how much they have been getting lately and here in North Carolina, we just don't get it that much or often. But, lookie here....

It started last night around 1 am and this is what it looked like. It has snowed all night and is still snowing now. They say it may snow until later today. But it looks like this right now...

It's so freakin awesome. I "CAN" haz Snow!
It started last night around 1 am and this is what it looked like. It has snowed all night and is still snowing now. They say it may snow until later today. But it looks like this right now...

It's so freakin awesome. I "CAN" haz Snow!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
No Wow for me lately...
I haven't played wow for a couple weeks now. But I did sign on to check my auctions and speak to a few of my friends for a bit yesterday.
On another note, This has to be my all time favorite wow video.
On another note, This has to be my all time favorite wow video.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
1.. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't.
2.. I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
3.. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
4.. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
5.. Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
6.. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
7.. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
8.. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
9.. I'm not a complete idiot -- Some parts are just missing.
10.. Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
11.. NyQuil, the stuffy, sneezy, why-the-heck-is-the-room-spinning medicine.
12.. God must love stupid people; He made so many.
13.. The gene pool sure could use a little chlorine.
14.. Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.
15.. Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
16.. Being "over the hill" is much better than being under it!
17.. Wrinkled Was Not One of the Things I Wanted to Be When I Grew up.
18 . Procrastinate Now!
19.. I Have a Degree in Liberal Arts; Do You Want Fries With That?
20.. A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
21.. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance.
22.. Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere!
23..They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.
24.. He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless DEAD.
25.. A picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up three thousand times the memory.
26.. Ham and eggs...A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.
27.. The trouble with life is there's no background music.
28.. The original point and click interface was a Smith & Weston.
29.. I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on.
2.. I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
3.. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
4.. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
5.. Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
6.. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
7.. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
8.. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
9.. I'm not a complete idiot -- Some parts are just missing.
10.. Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
11.. NyQuil, the stuffy, sneezy, why-the-heck-is-the-room-spinning medicine.
12.. God must love stupid people; He made so many.
13.. The gene pool sure could use a little chlorine.
14.. Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.
15.. Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
16.. Being "over the hill" is much better than being under it!
17.. Wrinkled Was Not One of the Things I Wanted to Be When I Grew up.
18 . Procrastinate Now!
19.. I Have a Degree in Liberal Arts; Do You Want Fries With That?
20.. A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
21.. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance.
22.. Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere!
23..They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.
24.. He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless DEAD.
25.. A picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up three thousand times the memory.
26.. Ham and eggs...A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.
27.. The trouble with life is there's no background music.
28.. The original point and click interface was a Smith & Weston.
29.. I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on.
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