Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Beginning

Hi, I am Cabriella and I am a level 70 Night Elf Huntress. It has been a long journey to reach my level. I have many alts that I love to work with. I play World of Warcraft because it's fun. I don't care if I don't have all epic gear. I don't play to get into the next dungeon or raid group. I don't play to impress people. I play casually on whatever alt I feel I want to play on at any given time. I love all the aspects of this game except the raiding/dungeon stuff that I consider a little more hardcore for my taste (but I haven't done alot of it either). I like making friends and sharing my limited knowledge. I enjoy helping others that are just starting out. I do make my way into the battlegrounds sometimes as I think they are fun. I die alot. But I don't mind. It's all fun to me but I do take my role serious as I know I am part of a team and at least do my best to carry my part of the weight in there! Well I guess I could at least tell you how I got into this crazy addicting game.

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