Saturday, February 9, 2008

My Second New Friend- Thanks Jay

Well I was in Wetlands and doing those croc quests there and came upon this warrior. Oh I admire those guys! I remember trying to level mine. So here is Jay in wetlands and I figure I will help him out. So we manage to work together pretty well and he invites me to group and off we go. When Leth and I weren't questing together then I was questing with Jay. We played well together too and since he wasn't online as often as we were, I mostly just helped him catch up to us. He even helped me catch up those old quests in Darkshore. He isn't much of a talker by my and Leth's standards but we got along well enough. Leth and I created a guild called the "Spirits of Retribution" and we three were the only members for a while. But pretty soon it started to grow a little bit.

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