Monday, February 18, 2008

Dungeons- Oh Why Do I Hate Them

I have never liked dungeons. Since the first dungeon I ever did was Blackfathom Deeps (the scariest place I had ever seen) I have hated dungeons. I feel all closed in and feel like I am going to get lost (mostly I do) or make a stupid mistake and someone call me a noob or worse. Is there worse? LOL. Well, I like the lower level dungeons now, at 70 I can run those babies all alone and it works for me. But the one's you have to have a group for... those I hate. How do you get over this and learn to enjoy the endgame stuff? Is it the rush of a group that I can't deal with or just the fact that other people make me nervous? Hmm I don't rightly know.

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