Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Spoiled Princess

Yes it's true he does spoil me!

My wonderful husband bought me a laptop for Christmas 2006. I had an old Compaq that still had Windows 98 on it. I loved making graphics and doing stuff online with it. But, I must say, it had seen better days. It had been run over by the car (more on that later) and still worked. But once in a while the screen would go all white and it would take some managing to get it to come back. Along with some frustrating words and sometimes a "well forget it" and quit. So my hubby took pity on me and bought me a new Dell Inspirion 1501 Laptop and I was a happy camper.

I used to play the X-Box 360 with my husband (him usually watching). He would go to work and I would spend a day or so playing the games (Call of Duty etc.) that he would bring home. Needless to say, as I beat them, he would bring home more. So after a while he brings home this game (World of Warcraft) and says "Here Honey, beat this one." I look at it as he tells me a little about this game and I say "wait, wait, an online game? with real people? for the computer? Oh no, I can't do that". I have never played anything like that before (well except for neopets and thats totally different). "Oh my friends at work say you will love it. Some of them play and if you need help they have answers" he says. Well Ok then, what am I waiting for?... nottt. I am petrified of the thought even. I put the game away but he gives it a try. He takes the game to our desktop computer and installs it and gets a character, I don't even know what kind, to level 5 or so.

How exactly I got interested I don't remember honestly. I am sure it was his nudging that did it. Sometime in April I tell him I will play, "But I am not playing with anyone else. I will just play by myself. I don't have to play with anyone else if I don't want to do I?" "I don't think so" he says. So I install it on my laptop with his wonderful help. Get all the updates and am sitting at the screen where you make your character. I don't want to be a guy 'cause I'm a girl. So thats one choice down. I will be a human since I am human, well you get the point from there. I end up with a human warrior. I go out into the world collecting the quests only doing a few of them and I get to this big city and I am totally lost. This city is so big I don't know what to do or where to go. There are people all around and lots of people talking in what I now know is the chat box. A really hectic place. I end up swimming in the canals and all kinds of things. It was mostly hilarious and depressing at the same time. I say I am not impressed and don't play the game for a while.

I can't help still thinking about the game and how much he wanted me to play. I had even made my first character and named it after him. His name is Cabe and I named her Cabrella. I said well maybe I will try something else. I had wanted a hunter because I personally love my bow and arrows for deerhunting. But the humans can't be hunters (what person came up with that idea?). Well, I will find a girl character that can be a hunter. I look at the horde side. Wow, those characters are scary. Hey, a night elf can be a hunter, and so Cabriella is born. A variation of the other character that only actually made it to level 12. (For all you warriors out there, you have my total love and undying admiration). Warriors are just hard to play.

Well, by the time hubby gets home from work Cabriella has been born and is level 4. I show him my girl and he watches me play a while and I ding level 5. "Well, you caught up to my character" he said. I smile and keep playing. Slowly she levels and I get to asking questions. Hubby goes to work and asks his buddies and I guess I have too many questions because someone (either hubby or his friends) suggests I google for information. Ahh haa... being the computer freak I am, why didn't I think of that? Duh me!!

Wow!!! The internet is full of people that play this game and have information by the truck load on how to play it. Boy, do I have alot of reading ahead of me.

Since this is a new blog and I have been level 70 since September of 2006 I am starting at the beginning of my story. I plan to cover my journey to 70 and then go from there with same day stuff.

Thanks for dropping by!

1 comment:

Cabe said...

Fantatstic story, your hubby must be a really special guy!